Toucan 3.0 Released

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on June 17, 2010 - 12:01am

Toucan logoToucan 3.0 has been released by Toucan is a tool for advanced users that allows you to sync, backup and secure files on your portable device. Toucan 3 is a major new Toucan release with many new features worked on over the past year including improved syncing, better responsiveness, long file path support and more. The scripting engine is totally new and much more powerful, though existing scripts from 2.x will have to be rewritten. It's packaged in Format for easy use from any portable device and integration with the Suite. And it's open source and completely free.

Read on for more details...


Toucan Screenshot Toucan is a small utility allowing you to synchronise, backup and secure your data with more options than the built in suite utilities. Its features include:

  • Four synchronization modes, copy, update, mirror and equalize.
  • Four backup modes, complete, update, incremental and restore, in industry standard zip and 7-zip files
  • AES-256 encryption using ccrypt.
  • Command line support, allows you to create a batch file for repeated jobs

New In This Release

  • A brand new scripting back-end using the Lua programming language
  • A much improved Sync system
  • Many more options and settings in Sync, Backup and Secure
  • Support for long file paths in Windows
  • Completely overhauled command line interface
  • Pervasive threading throughout the application to ensure responsiveness
  • Much much more!
Please note existing scripts are not compatible with Toucan 3, they will need to be rewritten in the new scripting language, for more information see the improved help system linked to in the help.html file in the root of your install. Thankyou to everyone who contributed ideas, feedback and translations, they are always greatly appreciated. Installer / Format

Toucan is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Suite including the Menu and Backup Utility.


Toucan is available for immediate download from the Toucan homepage. Get it today!

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John T. Haller's picture

Thanks for all your work on this Steve. This will put you over 1 million Smile

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

First of all, thanks for your job.
But in the release 3.0, where finished the help button?
How works the "Preview only changes"? It seems not to work as the name tell.
And the "Use recycle bin"?
And the changed Sync options?
And the check options?
In the past I already tried to stimulate you to give the possibility, in the preview mode, to see only the changed files at least with a Progress Panel like it was in the 1.x releases. Why you not done it? A really good and useful and simple way to preview the Sync operation before to proceed for real operation will be always really welcome.
And what about the distinction between copied files and updated files, in the Sync Progress Panel?
Last, but not least:
I made and integral copy of a directory (with subdir and files) to an USB key. Immediately after, I run Toucan rel 2.x and made a mirror Sync with the obvious result of any operation performed. Immediately after, I run Toucan rel 3.0 and made the same mirror Sync operation, but the Progress Panel begin to show me a series of Copied files. Then I stopped the operation. What is the problem what is happening, It is only a display error or the program is really copying the files (files being already the same)?
Strange very strange this new release!

Steve Lamerton's picture

could you please post an issue in the Toucan forum? Thanks! Hopefully a lot of your questions are answered by looking in the Toucan help file, just browse to the folder you installed Toucan into and click on the help.html file.

A real positive step forward for the evolution of this application. Thanks for all your hard work on this one. I've been waiting for a solid portable backup solution for many many years, I think this might finally foot the bill!


I agree with some of what erasmo52 said and have a couple of other issues:

1 - Where did the Help tab go? This was useful to clarify the terms 'Mirror' and 'Equalise' etc. Also helped deciphering the cryptic colors on the preview.

2 - Preview option does not appear work - shows no changes when I know changes have been made.

3 - Preview option no longer expands the base folder, would be nice if it behaved as previous versions did.

4 - It would be much more helpful if the Preview option ONLY showed what files were going to be copied/deleted etc.

5 - I had set up many jobs but now, when I try to open any of them with this new version I get the message "There was an error reading from the jobs file, looking for Recycle".

6 - I have turned on the "Enable Tooltips" option, but don't see any!

7 - Also, not that important, but I cannot locate any 'About' information to verify what version is currently being run etc.

Steve Lamerton's picture

please could you post a thread in the Toucan forum, thanks! Hopefully a lot of your questions are answered by looking in the Toucan help file, just browse to the folder you installed Toucan into and click on the help.html file.

computerfreaker's picture

I just gave the new release a test; I had backups to do anyway. Blum
I gave Toucan a 3 GB archive to back up; it took an hour or two, but did quite well. Not too much CPU usage, almost no fan activity, and the entire interface stayed responsive. Well done!

"The question I would like to know, is the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything. All we know about it is that the Answer is Forty-two, which is a little aggravating."