I write a Linux Blog called linuxglobe.wordpress.com, I am strongly disappointed that NO Portable Apps from AbiWord, Audacity, GIMP 2.4, KompoZer, Scribus, Inkscape, Firefox, to Thunderbird, are NOT available for the Fedora 8 OS or Ubuntu 7.10 OS for that matter. Linux is becoming a major threat to Windoze and Portableapps could really help BOOST Linux in so many ways. Also, I use my MAC for other tasks and NO MAC OS X 10.4/10.5 compatible Portableapps are available, this too must be remedied, not everyone in USA is using Microsoft! Please heed my requests, I doubt I am asking much, one portable app at a time is fine with me! Long live the MAC and Linux!!!
When these apps are ready, I will be happy to review them for linuxformat.co.uk AND my blog!
Happy computering in 2008!!!
Mark McLaughlin
Hudson, MA, USA
I do not use Micro$*** Winblow$ (at home) , I am a Linux fan as well. Linux and Macs are not widespread enough for the concept of portable apps to be effective. At you grandma's house, public libraries, your friends house, school and work (unfouranetly) have Micro$*** Winblow$ on them...
But John said once they do, this site will have papps 4 Lin and Macs..,
*Microsoft Windows
You think misspelling the name of an operating system you don't like but is used by a MAJOR percentage of computer users will make it better?
Okay, Microsoft made some decisions some of us don't like. Me included, but I'm not so childish as to go spell the name of their company and product with $ characters and 'blows'.
It just annoys me as I believe it's completely pointless and it sure isn't impressing me. Bill Gates has contributed a LOT of money to help many charities and other groups globally, and there's no reason to bash the product that helped him do it every time we get a chance.
P.S. It's not like Linux and Mac are the 'perfect' operating systems. There's many arguments against Linux and Mac vs. Windows problems. They'd be just as susceptible to those x number of viruses if they were as popular an OS as Windows. So on and so on.
I knew that was coming, and I predicted that you would be one of the 4 most likely people to do this and here is my grand excuse:
I was just expressing my self... (den den den dun)
In addition typing Microsoft Windows like "Micro$*** Winblow$" conserves a minuscule amount of energy... (My poor fingers do not hafta go round the keyboard as much).
Also I know Macs and Linux are not perfect, and I do know that if Linux and Macs were THAT popular more and more and lets not forget more viri would be written for Macs and Linux. But AFAIK preventive measures can be taken, like not using the susceptible root account and use a more limited account and using sudo for tasks that require root access, and so on... (One of the best things Windows does not have is sudo)... But then again nothing is perfect....
And my response to your second paragraph-like thingy:
[sarcasm]A little bit...[/sarcasm]
Four most likely?
I'm not alone, yay! 
Anywho, go to bed, it's 4:26.
If you want, I can make a big list about windows flaws.
Oh, and, why exactly are universal apps too hard to make?
I suppose we could use some kind of crossover solution to this.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
It's true. Linux and Macs are not perfect. But, OSS would still not be as bad as Window$ and Closed Source Software even if it were really famous (I know Macs aren't OSS). Just check the time for fixing a bug between OSS and CSS. Firefox and Linux take HOURS to fix a bug, meanwhile Window$ and most CSS. take days, weeks, and even MONTHS, even refusing then to apply the patch to older versions of their software.
Oh! And I forgot. digitxp, there are lots of crossover solutions, phyton + gtk, java, and others, you only need to have the environment installed on the host PC that the rest works.
OK, first off (with regards to the title), who QUOTES A DAVID BOWIE SONG? What are you?
Also, I have to agree with Patrick. If it wasn't for Microsoft, the current state of computing would not be where it is. As an example, take Microsoft Surface. Sure, they may not have been the first to create multi-touch screens, but they will certainly be the first to put them into general public use.
Plus, without Microsoft, we wouldn't have such entertaining videos as this or this. We have a lot to be thankful for
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
1st of all who the heck is this David Bowie of which you speak of?
Also I agree w/o M$ there would be no vids of M$ executives embarrasing themselves...
(Note it was a reply to Patrick)
For heere, am I sitting in a tin can. Faar, above the world.
Planet earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do.
It's a quote from David Bowie's song "Space Oddity".
"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."
Just Stop using Windows and ALL Windows programs.
Then you wouldn't have to WINE either.
Just stick with the great plethora of *nix programs that meet all your needs.
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
It's been discussed a few times. These are likely at a later date. They're only of use to a limitted subset of people. Most people will only encounter Microsoft Windows when out and about. Like it or not, net cafes, hotel business centers, school computer labs, libraries, office computers, etc are about 99% Windows worldwide. So it makes sense to support that first and foremost. If you're running Linux or a new Intel Mac, you can install Wine and run most of the apps including the menu. We test under Wine within Ubuntu and make compatible what we can.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The solution is for You to write the code
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
I found portableapps for mac on sourceforge! It' here: http://osxportableapps.sourceforge.net/
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I've tried it just as a package manager replacement, but according to the website, it can be used to make apps portable.
Klik allows you to take a Linux installation and repackage it locally to be a single file.
To do this, your Linux box needs the klik application installed (I know, ironic), but it APPEARS that once you create your klik-ized version of your app, you can copy it to a flash drive and run it on another machine.
It's a little unclear if that other machine also needs klik installed.
There was a blip on these forums about starting a whole site dedicated to portable Linux apps
but that seems to have fizzled.
Even JTH mentioned Universal Apps
but this looks to be MUCH harder to do than to imagine.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.