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GRAMPS (Family tree software)

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GRAMPS (Family tree software)

Program: GRAMPS (Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System)

License: GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.


GRAMPS is a genealogy program for Linux and other UNIX-like systems. The GRAMPS name stands for Genealogical Research and Analysis Management Programming System.
Relationship View
Relationship View

GRAMPS helps you track your family tree. It allows you to store, edit, and research genealogical data. GRAMPS attempts to provide all of the common capabilities of other genealogical programs, but, more importantly, to provide an additional capability of integration not common to these programs. This is the ability to input any bits and pieces of information directly into GRAMPS and rearrange/manipulate any/all data events in the entire data base (in any order or sequence) to assist the user in doing research, analysis and correlation with the potential of filling relationship gaps.

GRAMPS currently runs on Linux, BSD, and Solaris. Some experiments are being made running it on Windows.



This is great software, very powerful and very transferable with commercial software using the .gedcom format. This would be an asset as a portable app.

Last seen: 5 years 7 months ago
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I agree this app should be

I agree this app should be added to the worklist for future apps. I use it on Linux to track my families and would love to see it as a portable windows app. However, as the OP noted, it is not released on Windows yet. So, I guess we'll have to wait a little while longer.

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Genj - edit Gedcom format with an java app

You may want to try this one:
It is written in java and runs from an usb-stick.
A wrapper pointing it to a portable installation of java might be usefull.
I certainly like to have some portable Gedcom software on my stick - at least for viewing gedcom files.


stone1343's picture
Last seen: 4 years 7 months ago
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It looks like GenealogyJ might be a great solution...

I'm not about to wait for GRAMPS, and would love something with more function than Simple Family Tree. GenJ seems to work, and screenshots from the website look impressive.

Now we need the experts to allow it to use the Portable Java that OOo uses...

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Genealogy program Paf-version

As it seems there is a paf version of a genealogy program. Try "Ahnenblatt" from here: . It is related to the home version of Dynastree from here: or the german version from

I have used Ahnenblatt for quite some time but I havn't tried the paf version yet - will now.

Aciago's picture
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there is one

portable genealogy soft that is also open source... I wrote to the programmer to do some modifications but he answered to me "do it yourself I don't have the time" and since I'm not a programmer I couldn't do it...

It is called Simple Family Tree and source code is available at the end of the website

Instructions to portabilize

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

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Put all the GenJ files

Put all the GenJ files (run.bat ...etc ) in a new folder named /PortableApps/genj_app/
and unzip this wrapper into it replacing run.bat (Just an AutoIT exe and modified run.bat file to point to java in commonfiles)

..\CommonFiles\Java\Bin\javaw -Xmx512m -Xms32m -jar run.jar %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9


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the biggest problem I have found in gedcom is that you find your relative
then you might want 3 or 4 generations you download the gedcom and it 300 megabits.
What I need is a ged com program will edit the gedcom.

So I can clip out the 20 or 30 people and leave the 300000 behind.

Patrick Patience
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Morgan Freeman?

I just saw The Bucket List last night, good movie. Blum

Aciago's picture
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I'm lost... thanks Patrick... Pardon

EDIT: Understood now... Blum

If a packet hits a pocket on a socket on a port,
and the bus is interrupted as a very last resort,
and the address of the memory makes your floppy disk abort,
then the socket packet pocket has an error to report Biggrin

stone1343's picture
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There is a utility to split a GED file

It's called GEDSplit by Randy Winch.

I've used it, it works great. Doesn't matter that it's over a decade old, GEDCOM format hasn't changed.

You can select a subset of people you're interested in from a downloaded .GED file, and just save that subset, then import that into yours.

Hope that helps...

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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The windows version of

The windows version of GRAMPS is just labeled experimental (and not created by the GRAMPS core team), in reality the windows version is very stable and complete.

So if anyone feels like it, please make a portable release! This would be perfect to take along to relative and have a look at the family tree together.

It will require a portable python (plus a few plugins) and a portable GTK. Here's a list of things need to run it on windows:

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Had a look

Quite tricky. One of the paths (media basepath) seems to be kept in the binary database files, rather hard to change by a launcher. But without the change there will be problems with different drive letters.

Other than that: Been using the win32 version for weeks without a single crash/problem. Pretty stable if you ask me...

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Another vote

Excellent application. As few people will have it installed, portability would be a great plus.

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2008-02-27 03:27
ANY Of them.

I have been looking for a portable Family Tree Program too.
ANY of them we know are portable ?
or can be ?
You have any idea how usefull Portable would be ?
Doing research at Libraries, Churches, Relatives houses and such ?

(I would like because they are free,
Legacy Family Tree,
(Check thier comparison, a lady friend said she used to use FTM
until I showed her this.)

or Personal Ancestral File)

Listed below are ones with top reviews and most used.
(Genealogy Software)
Legacy Family Tree (free basic version).

(Family Tree Software)
Personal Ancestral File (Free).

(not sure what category)
Family Tree Maker.

Last seen: 16 years 8 months ago
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This looks promising...

I'm not as technically inclined as i need to be to make the hacked solutions above work yet.

Any word on a straight installable solution yet?


You're not paranoid if they really ARE out to get you...

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GRAMPS (Family tree software)

I would also like to chime in on this one. Genealogy lends itself well to a portable app. Researching genealogy usually means visiting many different sites to collect information and using different computers in a variety of libraries. The website now indicates that there is a Windows installer and a Linux version that runs completely off of a CD. It seems this one should be easily doable.

Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
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And they now have.

BpBible Portable,
but still no Genealogy, Family Tree software ?

Last seen: 16 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2008-10-22 05:34
Portable Genealogy Apps

I add my vote for a portable genealogy application. Nothing particular in mind, as long as it's easy to use. In addition to the uses people have suggested, I imagine sending a stick loaded with portableapps + my family data to one of my family to tempt him/her to take on the task of family historian, or part of it. I suggest the idea of holding a small self-contained thingy that you only have to plug in to play would be very attractive. I may be dealing with people who only use computers for email and games, and are even less technically minded than I am.

horusofoz's picture
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Ditto Advocate

Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
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Two working USB GEDCOM readers on USB drive

Like many posters here, a GEDCOM reader is the app most wanted for my fantastic Portable Apps USB drive. However, I have now cracked it and have two working GEDCOM reader apps on my USB drive. Both work well.

  1. The most advanced is Ahnenblatt. Since earlier posts here, the developers have successfully created a PortableApps PAF version for download.
  2. The other gedcom reader for the USB is Simple Family Tree. However, this does not work 'out of the box', on a USB drive and the previous explanations I have seen on the web no longer work. The new fix which I share here is simple...

    • download install exe file.
    • DO NOT install or run exe file.
    • instead, right click on exe file with 7-zip ( and extract files to new temporary directory on you PC
    • from that temporary directory, move Simple Family Tree.exe and Sijl15.dll file (in the the $SYSDIR sub-directory), into a new directory on your USB drive - most likely [drive]:\PortableApps\SimpleFamilyTree. Note that the DLL file should be in the same directory as the exe file - not a sub-directory.
    • run [drive]:\PortableApps\SimpleFamily\TreeSimple Family Tree.exe on your drive to use app from USB drive.

    I hope that this helps everyone.

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Thanks for linking to the portable version Smile Advocate

muskrat's picture
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
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I used the extraction method

For simple family tree using universal extractor, copied the dll file to the application path and it works like a charm.

I will try the 'Ahnenblatt' version too. Thanks for the post.

/s/ When life turns your dreams to dust, vacuum Wink

Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
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stuckagainThe most advanced is Ahnenblatt. Since earlier posts here, the developers have successfully created a PortableApps PAF version for download.

Just downloaded the "PAF" version of Ahnenblatt. Sorry, but that isn't really PAF. No PAF directory structure, no source, no credits and the only PAF-thing I found is the So I guess that's "illegal" (using trademarks without permission) Biggrin

Edit: Tested now, Ahnenblatt Portable also writes to the registry and to $APPDATA. Well, not portable and illegal, deleting in progress Wink

horusofoz's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Thanks for the heads up. Deleting from portbale and will remove traces from work registry soon and home when I get there. Cheers. Advocate

Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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thats a pity

As the programer attempted a paf version he might be open for help? - So before sueing him any chances of getting him into the boat? A well working version of Ahnenblatt keeping to the specifications of portableapps would be great. (Is there a complete set of such specifications and recomendations somewhere prominent in german?).

Maybe the and sites would also be interested in a paf version - I mean this would be great for portable research.

Last seen: 15 years 11 months ago
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Gramps 3.1.1 Test 1 available

Posted at the Beta forums:

Gramps 3.1.1 Test 1

Last seen: 4 months 22 hours ago
Joined: 2010-05-04 19:52
see here
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