how do i compile a c++ tarball for windows? not sure but it looks like i probably need to use cygwin to do it but it doesn't really have much helpful documentation. i'm trying to recompile Secret Maryo Chronicles after making a small change in the code and i just thought someone like Steve would know how to recompile it.
Provide me with the source and I give it ago with mingw tonight
edit: try first "configure" then "make" it should compile
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
configure or ./configure didn't work in cygwin. the source is the original source but with a change in video.cpp in cVideo :: Init_Image_Cache this line :
// no cache available
if( !fs::exists( fs::path( imgcache_dir_active, fs::native ) ) )
fs::create_directories( fs::path( imgcache_dir_active + "/" GAME_PIXMAPS_DIR, fs::native ) );
To This
// no cache available
if( 0 )
fs::create_directories( fs::path( imgcache_dir_active + "/" GAME_PIXMAPS_DIR, fs::native ) );
Ok like Steve I'll take a look tonight
I'll be on irc tonight on the portable apps channel at 10pm gmt -4
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
for taking a while to reply, had a mad day, I am taking a look now, and wow, a 23MB source file, that is insane!
Mplayers source is bigger and the compiled binary results to about 7 megs
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
ok guys, don't worry about this anyone if anyone is still looking at this. i found this . looks like i need code::blocks or visual c++ and some extras for either.
it's a challenge, I am going to try a bit more in MSYS, it is going fine so far!
ok that's great! but i would look at that wiki for help, since it talks about needing "Boost" and other things.