is there any way to edit a .dat file from nsis or possibly another scripting language? i know it depends on the .dat file. the one i'm interested in when opened with notepad is mostly a bunch of gibberish, but the string i want to edit shows up correctly.
If the string you need to change is always as the same offset, you could try FileReadByte and FileWriteByte.
ReplaceInFile, and fileread...
FileRead can be found here:
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
wraithdu, by the same offset, do you mean the info before the string i want can't change any? not really sure what you meant. honestly i have no idea what's going on in that file; i just know there's a bunch of weird characters and mixed in on about the 4th line there is a folder path that i need to have my script change. what would you do to accomplish this? or can it be done?
Hmm, ok, I figured out how File[Read/Write]Byte works, and it's probably too cumbersome to use. I'd try ReplaceInFile first, as suggested above, and see if that works for you.