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Couple questions about portableapps suite

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Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-25 10:35
Couple questions about portableapps suite

First Q: the auto start file is supposed to start the portableapps suite when i insert the jump drive right?

Second Q: the wall paper swapper, i cant get it to work, u are supposed to name the picture u want to be the background portableapps_wallpaper.bmp correct? and put it in the pictures directory

please help

ZachHudock's picture
Last seen: 2 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-12-06 18:07
1. It can't automatically

1. It can't automatically start when you insert your drive, it should, however, at least bring up the Windows Auto-Run window that lists a bunch of options, and Start PortableApps should be the first entry. This will only happen if the system you are using the device on does not have the auto-run feature disabled.

2. Did you download the menu included in the suite? If so, the wallpaper swapper was not yet implemented in that release. I recommend downloading the latest beta test release. This test release is actually more stable than the menu currently included in the suite, and it offers several new features.

Also, in the future, please use the search function built into this site, often times your question has been asked/answered several times already. In fact, your first question was asked just yesterday, over here. This isn't meant to be a criticism, just requesting that you search in the future.

Welcome to Smile

The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705

Last seen: 15 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2008-04-25 10:35
oh, i thought the autorun

oh, i thought the autorun thing was meant to automatically start it when the drive was inserted

but i do have the new download, and i thought i installed it, but i looked at the properties of the startportable apps and it says file version, even after i tried installing the
idk why its not upgrading it to 1.1

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