Reveal Portable: Reveal Portable
Category: Utilities
Description: Reveal is an easy to use, cross platform EXIF metadata viewer with limited editing capabilities. Reveal was designed to present as many details about how a photo was taken in a clear and easy to understand format.
Download Reveal Portable 2.1 Development Test 1 [4.33MB download / 4.65MB installed]
(MD5: --)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2008-04-28): Initial release
To Do:
Resolve the QT registry entries
Maybe changing to an official launcher
I've just gave it a try in Vista Ultimate SP1.
It runs well, and leaves nothing obvious behind on the hard drives
This must be a QT left a bunch of registry keys under HKCU\Software\Trolltech
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
oh no
Well I guess thats a show stopper for me as I don't know how to dandle them correctly.
Thanks for the info. I'm gonna think about what to do about it.
Just look at any existing app that uses the registry.....actually I think the QT keys are safe to delete, and for that, you should check out LightScreen Portable Dev Test
The developer formerly known as ZGitRDun8705
Another Reg Entry For Trolltech

Great! and i just posted the fix for my development 8 lightscreen.
here i go again.
Will Lightscreen Effect This App In Anyway
Im Gonna Run Lightscreen And this app Side By Side And See If I Need To Do Anything To Lightscreen.
i dont see any problem running this side by side but it writes to the same HKCU folder and if one folder already exist it adds .false to the reg folder. that can change depending on witch app you launch first. but i think just telling it to delete it even if it doesnt exist would be ok.
Na na na, come on!