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Need help making a launcher for .bat file

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Need help making a launcher for .bat file

Hi to everybody. I need help to make a launcher for a file called "start.bat". Thanks.

Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
Welcome duhowpi

I'm guessing that if you told us what start.bat contained it would be useful. Launchers usually prepare the host environment for an app and clean up afterwards if needs be.

Without knowing what start.bat does it would be difficult for someone to give you aid. Could you provide more information about what it is you are trying to do?

and again,
Welcome to Smile


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digitxp's picture
Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
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I'll just assume you want start.bat to show up on the menu, right?
In that case, just grab one of the very well done batch file compilers found on the web (Google).

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Tim Clark
Tim Clark's picture
Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
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"assume you want start.bat to show up on the menu"
Duh !!!


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I can argue with them being

I can argue with them being well done. AFAIK there's only one that actually compiles .bats..and it generates 16-bit code, so executable won't work under Vista.
All others just wrap the .bat to their executables and at runtime extract it to temp and call command prompt to interpret it.

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Nathan9222's picture
Last seen: 3 years 4 months ago
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do u mean ...

do u mean you want the .bat to start an application or open a file???
if so then do this

@echo off
START (file name here,ex:Firefox.exe) without the parenthisis

You can do as many "START" as you want, just make sure the .bat is in same directory as file you want to open, if not then put the exact path of what you want to open, like C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe

Edit: Wait i think I know what you mean, If you want to know how to make a laucher for a .bat file, take a look at Johns Portable App compressor. I think it made a launcher for it.

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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
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more information

I have a directory called OpenkorePortable, and inside I have one program. So I think the organization will be this:
\OpenkorePortable\Openkore Portable.exe (launcher)
\OpenkorePortable\App\Openkore\openkore.exe (program)
I think that this will be suficient.

wk's picture
Last seen: 1 year 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-05 12:31
if you need a launcher..

that cares for registry entries of the in common non portable app, there are some templates here, you might take up the suggestions already made here or try a search on this site ´cause this has been asked here once every week. If you need help then post your code and the geeks here will surely support you. Reading the development pages might help. NSIS portable is available in the beta forum as on smithtech´s homepage.

If you have a fully portable app already, then you don´t need a launcher.
First of all,
You can keep the folder structure, create a bat file and when it´s working you can use a bat2exe converter to make an exe with the icon of your choice.Within portabeleapps menu on the root of your drive the bat should work with the following

Start .\..\..\..\PortableApps\OpenkorePortable\App\openkore\openkore.exe

if you put the bat ( or exe)into \OpenkorePortable\.. main folder
bat2exe can be found here(freeware):
use a starter as starthere with .ini, as described for opera here

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Last seen: 15 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2008-05-19 14:51
thank you much

Thanks for this app. Now I finished making the portable app, but is in beta. The installer is maded with 7Zip 4.57. To install it only put the target to install in "X:\PortableApps\" directory.
This is the link:
Openkore is a utility for conect with the game Ragnarok Online. Is a free application.

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