Hi all. I am new and I have to admit a dunce when it comes to the computer world. Most of what I have learnt has been trial and error. My question is I seem to have problems with certain sites and IEXPLORE.EXE error appears and my site closes down - I am not able to pay to have the errors fixed is there another way of fixing my problem?
Appreciate any advice.
[This post was moved to the Off-Topic forum by mod Tim]
Norse, the General Discussion forum is for general discussions about portable applications that do not have there own forum, thanks for understanding, Tim
Well need more info than that to solve your problem. Such as: what websites, what OS, what version of IE, etc.
BTW, this goes to the Off-Topic forum.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
SWITCH TO FIREFOX!!! and if you must use IE for compatability, you can try re-installing or getting Maxthon browser.
Not very helpful Sergent
But I'm sure the OP thanks you for bumping up his post
Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?
i solved his problem. i provided 2 solutions. either switch to the FireFox browser which has nearly no problems or download and install the internet explorer compatable browser called Maxthon.