I usually work with AutoHotkey, sometimes when I am on Windows. But often I need to work with it on Linux (when I finally am able to install Linux on the PC ). WINE covered the launching of the scripts, but I can't find a decent text editor with syntax highlighting for AutoHotkey on Linux.
- Notepad ++ on WINE does not have font smoothing that is soo needed on LCD screens (actually WINE's fault)
- gedit/kwrite do not have AutoHotkey syntax highlight
- SciTE does have support for AutoHotkey externally, but I spent an entire afternoon searching the web and trying to make use of it and it simply didn't work
So as you can see, I am going nuts, and I need an Text Editor with syntax highlighting so I can make that script to install Flush Flash on Firefox Portable. Do you know of a nice text editor for it that works natively on Linux?
I don't know of any but I must say something about your english.
Error: "I am driving nuts..."
Correction: "I am going nuts..."
self.path = path if self.path == None else self.path
Fixing it now
Try this: http://www.pnotepad.org/download/
perhaps make your own AHK thingy or just be concentrated enough NOT to use syntax highlighting.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I'll say something tomorrow, as it is getting late here, but checking now anyway.
EDIT: Seems to be Windows only. Maybe I'll need to do my own Notepad, maybe I'll revive my half learned Gambas... or just give up and forget syntax highlight, or just use non-anti-aliased Notepad++ on WINE...
Thanks anyway
I think you should consider something online. Perhaps in that eyeOS Notepad app.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.
I'm going to check that, if it has syntax highlighting, then I'm going for it (I even make a prism app :D).
EDIT: It seems EyeOS's notepad does not have syntax highlight, and a third party notepad between the EyeOS Apps does not support AutoHotkey syntax highlight, only PHP and other stuff.
For now I am using .ini syntax highlight, that almost fits the necessary (saw it on some forums).
CodePress would've worked if it had NSIS.
Insert original signature here with Greasemonkey Script.