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Help - setting up website for edit by novices

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Travis Carrico
Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-10-22 00:30
Help - setting up website for edit by novices

i need someone to give me a solution here. i build websites with just notepad++ but if i were to build a site for someone who's not code-savy, what would be a good way to set it up so they can just edit the text without having to go through all my code. i'm sure there's got to be something out there for this situation (no i wouldn't want to set up a wysiwyg for them because that would mess up my nice clean code). i was thinking something that just put the paragraphs in text boxes or something. ideas?

roamer's picture
Last seen: 15 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2007-02-21 16:01
External text?

You could incorporate Javascript with a xml file that contains the postings and the javascript parser/switch to view and change post. It's kinda annoying to do though. I did it for a photo viewer and kept getting weird gliches when dealing with the parser. And the xml can get confusing after a while.

A cleaner method (and less annoying on both ends) would be use div to place the text in, but even then the un-code-savvy person would have to search through your code to find where to put what they want to post. Or it they used an editor it would mess your code.

A blog engine would work, but that would defeat the purpose of your code.

That's all I got...

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José Pedro Arvela
Last seen: 6 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-07-10 07:29
How about...

A WYSIWYG editor Biggrin (don't kill me)
Now serious, you could make a custom non-WYSIWYG editor (in AHK for example) that would only write <p></p> to a specific area of the code, for example, delimited with:

<!-- [CUSTOMCODE - END] -->

Or, you could teach the person to write <p> to begin a paragraph and </p> to end on between some comments on the code, like this:

<!-- #################### EDIT ONLY FROM THIS LINE FORWARD ################### -->
<!-- #################### DO NOT EDIT BEYOND THIS LINE #################### -->

If I have any more ideas I'll tell you.

Blue is everything.

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