Hello. I wish to set 2 questions. 1 - how to hide the some .exe files of foreign progr.that them were not visiblevisible in the list of the started program? 2 - how to rename already added items? Where are such functions in the program or how it is soon possible to expect their occurrence? Excuse for my English)
[Topic subject clarified by mod Tim]
Right now, none of the features you were asking for are available in the current PortableApps.com Menu. We plan on adding them, but at the moment a date for the next release has not been set.
If you want, it might be helpful for you to check out the PortableApps.com Menu Mod, which enables many features that are not found in the official Menu. Keep in mind that it isn't official, though, so it won't get official support. In addition to the features you were inquiring about, it includes improved themability, which is rather nice.
And welcome to PortableApps.com.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rick Cook
Thanks for operatively helped:) Successful development to the project. Recently developers do few good and necessary NEW programs. Everywhere addons or updatings of old stuff)) Good luck