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Name 10 computer languages that you consider as the least popular and used

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Amit G
Last seen: 15 years 6 months ago
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Name 10 computer languages that you consider as the least popular and used

Name 10 computer languages(not just programming languages in particular) that you consider as the least popular and used and not even the last choice amongst individual developers,professionals,companies/organizations and hobbyists,a strict no-go for anyone as it would be a complete waste of time- a complete failure and that would end up in oblivion/become extinct pretty soon.if you have any reference to validate your list it would be really helpful.And if you have a list which has more than 10 computer languages listed,it would be helpful as well.The fact is I have learnt C#,PLT,T-SQL,VC#,Am learning Data Structure right now,Am about to learn HTML,Javascript,XML in a month's time followed by Java-well this is part of my computer course and am planning to learn Python on my own so I just wanted to know what all programming languages as well as computer languages in general are a complete waste of time so that I don't have to bother looking at them at all as no one else does in this world.

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Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
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What is the difference

What is the difference between a computer language and programming language?
You mean something like 1337-speak?


Last seen: 16 years 10 hours ago
Joined: 2009-02-18 00:29
Computer Language / Programming Language...

There are literally 1000's of programming languages...

You'll get to the specifics of this in a later class in college more than likely, computer language and programming language are the same.

Programming Languages are written for "human" use to write code that ultimately boils down to machine language instructions.

Now Machine Language as compared with programming languages.. That's different, and yes unless you're coding something that's very tight on memory (VERY tight, like every byte counts) you don't want to code directly in Machine Language. One other situation that you might consider Machine Language (or assembler for that matter) would be if you needed to account for the work done with every single cycle of the cpu.. (Keep in perspective here, todays computers are measured in Gigahertz and the efficiency of cpu's is 1:1 .. that means you're talking about 1,000,000,000 instructions in 1 second.... as compared with computers from 1988 which were 10-40 Megahertz with cpu at 1:3 efficiency (at best) .. so divide the MHz by 3... so 30Mhz would be 10,000,000 instructions in 1 seoond... and this doesn't even consider that you could have multiple cores now too..)

Machine Language .. of which assembler is the more or less direct programming language. Machine Language is literally coding in hexadecimal numbers.. which are broken down into bits... each number coresponds to a particular action you can take with the cpu directly.

Nothing is faster than code written in Assembler... nothing takes longer to code than Assembler though.. (dodging expert fire-breathing assembler programmers here)

You should be asking instead which languages would have the greatest coverage in the market-place, and more specifically should figure out a market you want to program for (IT, web, gaming, scientific, business...).

The Web touches so many different areas that I would recommend you learn core technologies and languages that cover the Web in particular. This is not simply "web-servers" it's (client side) java script, java, .net languages, html, css, (databases) MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL, XML, (server-side) PHP, Perl, .net...

Server-side is split between MS IIS and Unix web servers.. IIS leans on .net, unix web leans more on php and perl.. Unix / Apache last I checked was the most common web-server..

Client-side is Java is more on the side of Apache.. .net languages run off of the MS's CLR so they're more Microsoft..

Any SQL will more than likely be enough, as you can apply what you learn to the others and just modify what you do for differences in the DB language. MS SQL is more for MS, MySQL is more for apache / unix...

It appears you've picked up some .net with C#.. study some server tech and how to write C# for IIS.. pick up PHP for unix web servers.. That should round you out pretty good, then go back to the question that I asked, "what market do you want to go into"... ask 3 professors and many colleagues what their opinion about your chosen market and study sites where people talk about what they're doing with languages in that market.

Then study the languages and software packages that are most commonly mentioned and people ask the most questions about, etc.. but do your research first.. Be ready to learn different / alternate / new stuff always.

If you're going to study computer science at a college/university you're going to learn far far more than just some languages. But you've got a head start for sure. Listen carefully to everything professors have to say about disciplined programming techniques.. even the most basic stuff affects you tremendously.. like documenting your code. I won ACM programming contests (i.e. for speed of coding) by simply documenting a little as I wrote my code. (made it really fast to figure out what I was trying to do when I miswrote some piece of code) Documentation seems like a pain in the rear but it really is not in the short term as well as the long term.

There are way more than 10 languages that it would be a waste of time to learn. Unless you're learning them just to learn more about programming or to fill out a potential job skill.

Languages are usually classified generationally... but this classification isn't really time oriented, it's more like level of abstraction oriented. More abstraction usually translates into more Machine Level instructions.

For example.. you might classify them like this --

Lev 1 -- Assembler
compiles directly into binaries.. you're basically describing machine language code with this language.
Lev 2 -- C, C++, Pascal, Ada, Fortran
these languages are ultimately compiled into binary form.. in some cases, you can compile a language into assembler, then compile that into binaries.. you might also have other languages that translate into C then compile with C into binary.. etc.. this could be used as a tool to study C++ or assembler if you were interested...
Lev 3 -- engine-code type -- Java, .net
these languages create intermediate code that's not binaries, which in turn run on some kind of software "engine". These engines are often written in C++ or the like level 2 language. Portions of the engine could be written in Assembler for speed. (portions of Operating system core code can be written in Assembler for greater efficiency / speed)
Lev 4 -- Lisp, Prolog, ...
weird, spacey languages.. if you want a challenge study one of these... AI languages...
Lev 5 -- interpreted languages -- PHP, Perl, Basic (non clr basic), java script, vb script, scripting languages in unix, Apple Basic on the old Apple 2's (this was both interpretted and interactive.. also Comodore 64 and TRS-80's..)
Lev 6 -- very high level languages -- HTML, VML -- "application languages"
anything that runs off of a program at high level .. I have this old language environment that I can't remmber the name of, but it involved giving a sequence of commands to move an arrow pointer around the screen to draw objects.. this would be an example of Lev 6.. with interactive..
Lev 7 -- ?? Verbal or hand-motion to teach / train a computer to do something ??
this might involve Artificial Intelligence programs.. and yah it is very very high level...

More or less.. with the possible exception of level 4, as I'm not very well studied in Lisp and Prolog, these languages progress from "number of instructions needed to perform 1 task". For example, at Level 1, 1 instruction can perform 1 task. (but you will have to micro-manage many many tasks to get something meaningful done..).. Lev 2 might be 20 Machine Language instructions generated by 1 level 2 instruction.. Lev 3 is interesting in that it varies according to the engine and whether you've already run a pass through the code, however it probably boils down to 40-100 Machine Language instructions per 1 level 3 instruction (as originally coded in your language..) Lev 4 -- skip, I have no idea.. it's probably fairly efficient after compiled.. Lev 5 -- 100's of ML per 1 Lev 5 instruction. Lev 6 likely gets into the 1000's to 10,000's instructions per Lev 6 ...

I've never seen a Lev 7, I invented this one. I suppose the resultant code could be at level 5 or 6, but the generation of it will certainly require a lot of cpu power.

There's also referring to a language as a General programming language, or a Scientific language, or a math language, financial language (Fortran), business language (cobol).

Hope I've given you something to chew on.

Roger Tiedemann, Jr.

Roger Tiedemann, Jr.

Mir's picture
Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-12-03 16:07
Binary. i found it was the

Binary. i found it was the most difficult and has gotten much harder to use or learn with the faster more powerful systems.

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Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
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Ever heard of brainf***? Didn't think so. Here's Hello, World:


Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.

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Last seen: 12 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2008-03-17 19:08
After re-reading the thread title

Name 10 computer languages that you consider as the least popular and used

binary and... binary Wink

*cough*binary joke*cough*

Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.

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