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ffp fast but records history i don't want

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Last seen: 10 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-08-26 15:34
ffp fast but records history i don't want

Firefox portable is running smoothly on any machine I've tried it on, even older machines. Especially with all kinds of storing features unchecked and checking the boxes to erase all cookies on browser close. With any other options checked it does tend to be somewhat slow on closing and opening, especially when the numbers of cookies have been increasing.

One problem that's still remaining even under this tighter, faster performance is that histories are being saved evne though there is not one history-related checkbox checked. I don't want it saving histories because I want to keep from writing to my flash drive as much as I can, just to prolong the lifetime. Why won't it stop keeping histories? Nothing's checked!

J Neutron
Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
Awesome Bar?

I think that the history you mention is a function of the new Location bar, also called the "Awesome Bar". It maintains where you've been, so when you type words into the bar, it will bring up a list of URLs. Some match based on bookmarks, some based on browsing history.

Here is a very good link explaining the inner workings of the location bar and how you can modify it:

Customizing the FF3 Location Bar


neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

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