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Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-16 17:36

I have received this message :

"Sus filtros no funcionan porque el archivo msgFilterRules.dat, que contiene sus filtros, no se puede leer. Se creará un nuevo archivo msgFilterRules.dat y se hará una copia del antiguo en el mismo directorio, llamado rulesbackup.dat en el mismo directorio. "

(( His filters don't goes well because the file msgFilterRules.dat, with the filters in it, cannot be read. It will be create another new file msgFilterRules.dat y will make a copy of the old in the same folder, called rulesbackup.dat in the same folder)

… … …
What can I do ?
Can I recover my filters ?

Excuse my language. I'm from Canary Islands