I would like some help.
I have server2go running off a cd which launches firefox portable , everything fine up to here. In the html pages I have links to pdf files , problem is whenever i click on link I get "file could not be loaded because the associated helper application does not exist, change the association in your preferences"
I have sumatrapdf on the cd , the first time i ran firefoxportable on my hard drive I set the association to pdf files to open with sumatrapdf.
Does anyone now what i'm doing wrong ?
When i run everything from my hard drive it works , pdf files open with sumatrapdf
thanks in advance johnny
after a lot of searching and testing.
1) add the firefox plugin to run .exe files instead of just saving them.
2) choose always run .exe files with explorer.exe
3) modify the mimetypes file of firefox to open pdf documents like so :
RDF:Description RDF:about="urn:mimetype:handler:application/pdf"
NC:possibleApplication RDF:resource="urn:handler:web:"
this is to be able to open pdf documents with sumatraPDF , if you are running server2go + portable firefox + sumatra pdf from a cd
p.s. sumatraPDF must be in the htdocs folder of server2go