first you will want to extract the files. you should be left with 3-4 folders depending on who you downloaded it from. either you will have one folder with 3 in it (Labled "Theme" "Folder Theme" and "Icon Theme") or just thoes 3 folders (only exeption is if the themer only did a background theme and no folder or icon themes)
after that you will want to browse to a directory on your flash drive or PAM install by going to X:\PortableApps\Portableapps Menu\App\Default Data and placing the files in the "Default Data" folder. then you restart the menu and the background should change (as well as the icons if they were included)
first you will want to extract the files. you should be left with 3-4 folders depending on who you downloaded it from. either you will have one folder with 3 in it (Labled "Theme" "Folder Theme" and "Icon Theme") or just thoes 3 folders (only exeption is if the themer only did a background theme and no folder or icon themes)
after that you will want to browse to a directory on your flash drive or PAM install by going to X:\PortableApps\Portableapps Menu\App\Default Data and placing the files in the "Default Data" folder. then you restart the menu and the background should change (as well as the icons if they were included)