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Small Suggestion for Toucan

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Jacob Mastel
Last seen: 2 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-06-13 19:36
Small Suggestion for Toucan

Hey Steve I've got a quick suggestion for you. I've been setting up Toucan for people to use and they often love it. But I do have one quick suggestion because it often catches me as well as other people. In the drop down list Called "Job Name:" it's usually blank when you run the app. Well usually when I go to add a new thing my habit is to go type into the blank space and hit the new button. Can you make it so that you can't type into the box or have a grayed-out "Choose Job" or something in it. It's small but it's just one of those nicety things. Also can you make a "Do all jobs" button so we don't have to go through them all? Thanks for your work on this app it's great!