Since I searched for a Forum that was kinda like a Questions and Comments area, I found nothing about that, so in my lame ability to search, I created a Kudos page...
Please don't hurt me...
I just wanted to say, You guys (all who participate in the Portable Apps) are awesome, and your doing a great Job, and I challenge anyone who likes these apps to, Leave a Kudos or such type message here.
Again sorry if there is something like this and I missed it, I have already proven my inability to search well once in the Request forum, so there...
Again Great Job guys, I use all the main apps, and am playing with some Betas.
Gotta love the X-Moto Portable!!! That is a sweet game!
Oh ya, Edit:
Ah hahahahah I found a place for comments but its only for the Guidelines... Sooo I am still ok... hehe I hope...
one buried here somewhere, but I wouldn't know how to even phrase it for the search box, to find the goofy thing, so, I guess "kudos" would be a good name for it and I'm not gonna fault you for "accidentally" creating a second thread. So, with that said....Thanks John and everyone for all your work. Great Job.
Yeah, Craig dun gone did sum good!
Again I professed my inability to search...
Thanks for not faulting me...