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Batch install or update of several apps in one single operation from the PortablApps start menu - possible?

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Last seen: 16 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-01-05 05:58
Batch install or update of several apps in one single operation from the PortablApps start menu - possible?

Is there any way to install/upgrade many portable apps in one single operation from the PortableApps start menu?

I have got quite a few apps on my USB stick now, and it is a bit tedious to install or upgrade them one by one.

I have tried to find some info about this in the forum but to no avail.
Feedback would be most welcome.

If the above is not possible yet, a nice feature in my opinion would be the possibility to click "Options/Install New Apps" in the PortableApps start menu (note the plural "Apps") and then to specify an install folder instead of just an install (*.paf.exe) file, so that all *.paf.exe files found in the selected folder could be run in one operation.

If an app is already installed, then the operation carried out for that app would be an upgrade using the newer *.paf.exe file located in the install folder specified.


Last seen: 14 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-30 12:13
There is a portableapps

There is a portableapps updater but at the moment it isn't yet an official app.

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