I've just found out this cool app. It's a PocketVideo encoder, it err...encodes video files to a format suitable to many PDAs or HandHelds. I just downloaded it and saw it was just an executable, didn't write anything to the app folder, don't know about registry, can someone check if it's truly portable?
Link--> http://divx.ppccool.com/
It ain't opensource but it is free.
i also hadn't seen any app like this (i mean, it's focused on PPC video format converter)
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PocketDivXEncoder!! IS IT PORTABLE!?
May 7, 2006 - 12:03pm
PocketDivXEncoder!! IS IT PORTABLE!?
Try reading this.
Use FileMon and RegMon (linked to there) to find out for yourself -- I'd do it, but I'm on a restricted public computer at the moment.
~nm35 {blog} {site}
Mark Smith | PortableApps.com Developer
...but i certainly don't know what to do...I DID see some entries of pocketdivxencoder, but how do i know if they are important or not?? most of them were in a temp folder. and i also saw some registry activity, but what to do now?
I have the 2 log files, but they're just too big to be posted somewhere... Please help me...please?
Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas. -- Albert Einstein
(What's important is not finishing making questions)
Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas. -- Albert Einstein
(What's important is not finishing making questions)
ZIP the log files up (maybe 7z Brutal compression) and e-mail them to me at nm35@portasoft.org.
All entries that it makes are important, until we know otherwise. Registry activity is definitely important; if settings are stored there, Registry Rocker (or Rapper) would have to be used.
You can actually select some processes, and kill 'em from the menu.
Good luck...
~nm35 {blog} {site}
Mark Smith | PortableApps.com Developer