After not using my USB thumb in so long I wiped it clean and am installing a new Suite. Do I still have to come here to update Firefox and avoid a "dirty bomb" or can I let Mozilla do it again? Sorry if I missed that in old threads. Thanks.
[Topic clarified by mod Tim]
Yes, you still need to come here. When the bug is fixed, however, it's in your best interest to keep coming here for the updates as the launcher may be updated with each version to handle any unexpected changes.
If you are starting over, it's a great little app that automatically DL's and updates the apps that you choose:
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
Yes, and no...
Mozilla has planned this bug fix for versions of firefox after 3.0.* releases.
In that post, John stated that the bug will be fixed in 3.2.
3.1 betas are out, and I've heard from ptmb that it's being renamed to 3.5 when it's official (like our menu, 1.2 was renamed to 1.5 when it released officially).
I don't know if the fix will happen to 3.5 because of the version bump though... google might reveal some answers.
(Edit: Nvrmind... it targets Firefox 3.6a1.)
Does this mean the auto-updater works? I seem to read this as "oh, hey, maybe it does work and the bug just kind of went away without anyone noticing" but with no follow-up of actual results. Obviously getting the updates from here is the best way to go, but at least that would relieve the worry of "did I remember to turn off auto-update last time I updated", then having a mess when opening FFP to see the "FF Updated" page. If it is indeed fixed then the auto-update would make for a good reminder to get over here and get the latest release from here to install over the top of the auto update in case the launcher got updated as well.
Quamquam omniam nescio, nec nihil scio.
but at this stage I would strongly suggest sticking with the PA updates to be safe. Though it has been a while since John posted my guess is he hasn't finished testing as he has a perfectionist streak and wants to make sure when he gives the green light its definitely safe.
Still i think will need to come to PA for any major and semi major FF updates. Advocate