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Inkscape Portable 0.47pre4

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Chris Morgan
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Inkscape Portable 0.47pre4

Application: Inkscape
Category: Graphics & Pictures
Description: Inkscape is a feature rich and very popular vector graphics editor. With Inkscape you can edit SVG files, and files of other formats, make pretty pictures, design your very own kitchen sink, and lots more.

Download Inkscape Portable 0.47pre4 [40.1MB download / 87.6-159.7MB installed]
(MD5: 366a3359f21e7a0075b9218009a4c882)

Release Notes:

0.47pre4 (2009-10-13):

  • Updated to 0.47pre4 (built by me)
  • Using new Inkscape Portable build procedure in Inkscape trunk (forgot to get it added to the makefile so it didn't end up in the source distribution).
  • Uses new Inkscape Portable splash screen from John.
  • Ready to go both here and when 0.47 final comes out shortly Smile

0.47pre2 (2009-08-25):

  • Updated to pre2
  • Updated icon
  • All known issues fixed (file chooser in export has been fixed upstream).

0.47pre0-1 Pre-Release 1 (2009-07-10):

  • MRU drive letter updating
  • Changed optional section file mask #1 from App\Inkscape\share\clipart\*.*.svg to App\Inkscape\share\clipart\draw-freely.*.svg so that inkscape.logo.svg gets into the English version
  • Changed optional section directory mask #2 from App\Inkscape\lib\locale (not right) to App\Inkscape\share\locale, which reduced English-only size by 21.7MB.
  • (For the record, I checked over all the optional language stuff to make sure I hadn't left anything behind in the English version or caught anything English in the multilingual section)
  • Changed icon: now appicon*.* use the newer Inkscape logo (work was done just after the Functionality Test) as in App\Inkscape\inkscape.ico. It's clearer, with higher contrast, and has a blue "smudge" on the right. However, there's no version of it above 64x64 available that I could find. Jon Cruz has told me ScislaC is the right person to approach, but I haven't caught him. A 128x128 version would be great, so that the splash screen can be updated.
  • It's 0.47pre0-1 rather than 0.47pre1 as there was no Windows build at the time of writing, and I couldn't get the build process to work for me, it only got to .o files, and wouldn't make the "real thing".

r21486 Functionality Test (2009-06-07):

  • Using a build based on SVN revision 21486. A patch which I made to vastly improve portability was committed as revision 21480, namely overriding the settings storage location based on the INKSCAPE_PORTABLE_PROFILE_DIR environment variable.
  • The biggest change in the launcher is that now it can just set the environment variable INKSCAPE_PORTABLE_PROFILE_DIR to $EXEDIR\Data\settings. This is probably the main functionality being tested here.
  • This portable build is to test out the new launcher, and to prepare for the release of Inkscape 0.47, with the intent of getting Inkscape Portable 0.47 out as quickly as possible after Inkscape 0.47's release. There are many changes in 0.47, changing some of the ways which the launcher works; for example, I had planned to add the portable Documents and Pictures directories with a .gtk-bookmarks file, but since 0.46, Inkscape has switched to using the Windows file picker rather than the GTK file picker, so I scrapped that idea.
  • Launcher significantly reworked and simplified; e.g. InkscapeExecutable removed as there is no longer an inkview.exe, only inkscape.exe.

For older release notes, go to the 0.46 Pre-Release 1 and 0.46 Development Test releases threads.

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Works Here

Did a fresh install to avoid any potential issues with settings migration. Opened a couple documents, poked around, seems to work fine. Some of the new features in 0.47 look pretty cool Smile

Chris Morgan
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It'd be helpful also though if you could try installing over the top of an existing copy of Inkscape Portable; the settings storage system in Inkscape hasn't changed, but the location in Inkscape Portable has changed from Data\settings\AppData (DTs) to Data\settings\InkscapePortableAppData (PR1) to Data\settings (now)... so there's custom installer code in Other\Source\PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh which should fix them both up. For this reason, it'd be good if that could be tested as well. Feel free to back up your data first, of course.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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gtk-2.0 folder left behind


I just installed this version of inkscape and just noticed that a folder is left behind.

How to reproduce:
- Open InkscapePortable
- Go to File > Export Bitmap, export the page, and close Inkscape
- Now go to %APPDATA%. There should be a folder (gtk-2.0).


Chris Morgan
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I'll check up on it

Thanks for that report Smile

Hopefully I'll just be able to redirect %APPDATA%, but if I need to remove the directory manually I'll do that... though that'll make the launcher more complex once more as it won't be able to start it and exit as it currently does.

Thanks for finding it as an issue though Smile

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“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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Dia or Gimp

Hi Chris,
take a look at the Gimp or Dia launcher, they both handle that without an Appdata-redirect.
Disclaimer: I haven't looked at your new Functionality Test, but I think Gimp, Dia, Inkscape are all similar.

John T. Haller
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I'm pretty sure that redirecting APPDATA can have issues and may not even be possible on Windows 7. The other launchers handle this without doing it.

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Chris Morgan
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I believe that issues only appear if you also change USERPROFILE. While it can be done with RMDir $APPDATA\.gtk-2.0, that requires it to wait for Inkscape to finish. It'd be simpler if I could just change APPDATA and forget about it... and yes, I have seen the GIMP launcher, which has to handle a lot more.

I should be able to test redirecting APPDATA on Windows 7 at some point... when Dad needs to restart this Windows 2000 machine maybe I'll be able to get him to boot into 7 (dual boot) and test it.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
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More than anything else, be sure that it works on Guest and Limited accounts on all OSes (2000, XP, Vista and 7)

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Chris Morgan
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Drive letter updating

For your information, I found another issue with this; recently used files now get stored in $EXEDIR\Data\settings\.recently-used.xbel, so I need to update file:///$LASTDRIVE/ to file:///$CURRENTDRIVE/ in that file, which I missed. Being a functionality test though I won't make another release here, I'll wait for 0.47... if it ever comes (the initial release date of the 15th is likely to slip) Blum

In lay men's terms, if you change computers, your recently used file list may not work.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
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0.47 Pre 1 / Same Day Launch

Hey Chris, any chance we can try this with the 0.47 pre-release to ensure the patch is in there and works right? I'd like to post Inkscape Portable the same day that 0.47 is released if possible.

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Chris Morgan
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I saw it in the RSS feed Smile

I'll need to compile it, so I'll see how I go. Otherwise, I can take a recent build from 4th of July

I'll update this "when I'm done".

Good, glad you're agreeing with me about immediate release Smile

Edit: after some hitches, I'm in the middle of compiling it. See you in a few hours Smile

Another edit: compiling so far has failed. I'm trying once more, but if not, I think I'll go with as almost-official a build as I can, 0.47pre0-1. I'll miss having a cool label though... Inkscape Portable 0.47 Pre-Release 1 Pre-Release 1 would have been fun!

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“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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The windows package for Inkscape .47pre1 is up.

Chris Morgan
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Don't think I'll do it here

Since I've got pre0 done, and the only issue it's got (GTK file chooser used in Export) hasn't been fixed, I don't think it warrants another release here.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Chris Morgan
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0.47pre0-1 Pre-Release 1 is out

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“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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I did some testing on WinXP Pro SP2 - restricted account.

during normal usage (open/save, do things):
- no errors occurred
- nothing left behind in
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data
C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp
- no entry in registry (so far I can see with regedit -> search "inkscape")
besides in MUICache

export bitmap leaves "gtk-2.0" behind in %appdata% after closing app (as mentioned by other people)
-> note: this issue is solved for Gimp Portable


Chris Morgan
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I've still been unable to reproduce the gtk-2.0 directory problem, so had just left it at redirecting APPDATA. It would appear that that hasn't been enough Sad If not, then I'll have to do quite a bit more work on the launcher, as it'll need to wait before closing rather than just launching and quitting... That really is a nuisance.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Chris Morgan
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I'd just like to verify the precise details of this issue with people who are experiencing it so I can fix it best.

A folder, %APPDATA%\gtk-2.0, is created on export of PNGs. This directory is empty. This is correct? If so, it's actually very easy to fix - just change the Exec to ExecWait and put a RMDir $APPDATA\gtk-2.0 after it. Each copy of inkscape.exe will have its own InkscapePortable.exe, but that way there'll be no issue with waiting for local copies of Inkscape.

Pending a check by others who have experienced this problem, I'll make this fix for the next release.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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Hi, There's a file inside


There's a file inside gtk-2.0 folder, called gtkfilechooser.ini :
[Filechooser Settings]


If you export the png using the default folder, gtk-2.0 will not be created. Try exporting the png to other folder.

Chris Morgan
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I see

I had only typed a new location, never once looked at the file picker. It's the GTK one rather than the platform's native one. Since 0.46 the Inkscape team changed to using the platform-specific one, but it would appear that they missed this. Hopefully I can get it fixed before 0.47...


I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Chris Morgan
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I've just released 0.47pre2, which fixes all known issues. We're currently just looking at updating GTK binaries before 0.47, that will also need testing if we do (I'll need to work out how to do it too... working with Inkscape is a great learning experience for me Smile )

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Chris Morgan
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John: Josh Andler (release warden of the current Inkscape release) talked to me about what their core team were thinking about with Inkscape Portable.

We/Us/Our =, Project meaning
They/Them/Their = Inkscape team, Project meaning
It = Inkscape Portable

They would like It to be an official Inkscape build, but are only willing to do so if They host It on Their Project (i.e. Them or both Us and Them). Otherwise It will go on an "unofficial builds" page on Their site.

As I see it, there are a few options:

  1. We maintain It and host It on Our Project - thus It goes on the Inkscape "unofficial builds" page.
  2. We maintain It and host It on Their Project - then instead of linking to It on Our Project, we link to It on Their Project. Statistics then stay with Their Project.
  3. We maintain It and host It on Our and Their Project - statistics will be shared (some for each version), and file maintenance will be doubled, but that's not much.

Maintenaince: I'll be maintaining the build personally whether for Inkscape or or both, but there is one thing which I can't do - digital signatures. This I think would be the only real issue, but Josh says that they wouldn't mind slightly delayed release (installers/builds for different platforms trickle in for the first few days, he says).

So, John, what do you think should be done about it? I think that the third option is the most straightforward.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
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I think we'll go with the 3rd option to start and then transition to the 2nd. Mainly so we can be sure all is happy with the updater (which is keyed to our SF project's URL at the moment and can't download from their URL yet). We can build & sign it and have it for them the same day and let them approve and add it in. We can also alter the splash screen so at the bottom it says & (rather than since they'll also be distributing it. As we transition to the 2nd option, we should work on a splash layout that better befits that it is theirs (maybe a 'made portable by' logo or something). Run all that by Josh so we can be sure we're all on the same page.

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Chris Morgan
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If you're redoing the splash screen, could you also please update to the newest version of the Inkscape logo; there's an SVG version of it in Inkscape SVN, but you'll probably find it easier to just get it from appicon.ico and scale it down from 256x256.

I hope that you never intended that we have! Wink

I was hoping that it would eventually move over to the second option, possibly for other apps too - them sorting out distribution (so long as they can have that solid) with providing "just" the menu, framework, app directory and "moderation"/QC. I think that if we start going down this route the most important thing will be a "Certified by" or " Approved" stamp to maintain our brand integrity and quality.

I'll drop Josh a link to all this.

Thank you very much Smile

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

John T. Haller
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InkSpace, heh. That's what I get for working while taking cold medicine.

I have the splash with the updated logo and the altered bottom here:

I'll start working with our designer on some updated splashes for apps as we transition them to the main publishers. Probably a couple options as well as a stamp-style addition they can add to their own.

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Prerelease 3 available and final coming soon...

Inkscape .47 prerelease 3 was released and they claim that the final release will come in two weeks.

Chris Morgan
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Inkscape Portable 0.47pre4 released

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

aamiel's picture
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Great work


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Seems to be working fine here

Seems to be working fine here as well - Win7 64bit.

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Inkscape 47 is out

And seems very nice. I did have a problem with the Portable version getting a 'preferences.xml is not a valid xml file' message though, and it doesn't seem to save and/or load the preferences because of this...

Really looking forward to having this as a portable app.

Chris Morgan
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I know

I was the Win32 builder for Inkscape 0.47, and that included the distribution (for both and I've emailed John about it and am waiting for him to publish it here.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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Cool, thanks a lot

Cool, thanks a lot Smile

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Hiya, The portable .47 build


The portable .47 build still has broken prefs. It doesn't save them correctly or load them (one of the two..)


John T. Haller
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Too Late

You reported it way too late in the 0.47pre build process (you actually reported it after 0.47 was already built). As no one else has mentioned this, it could be exclusive to your setup. You could have non-ANSI characters in the path it doesn't like or another odd location. Be sure it's installed to X:\PortableApps\InkScapePortable and that you're doing a clean install... remove the directory first. Those are just some options right now, but we'll worry about this post-0.47

Please wait for the official 0.47 build announcement and, if your issue persists, post a new bug report in the forums for it.

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Figured it out. The Input

Figured it out. The Input devices panel, if you press 'Save' with my tablet chosen breaks the prefs file somehow. Since the tablets are displayed using chinese characters, the non-ansi thing could be it. If I don't press 'Save' I can use my tablet and the prefs don't become corrupted. It does mean I have to set the right tablet at the start of each session though Blum

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inkscape seems to have a

inkscape seems to have a problem with non ascii characters in general. It won't open images from foxkeh without a little hackery because the svg's have non ascii characters in them.

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Chris Morgan
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Report it

Could you please confirm that and provide more details with this bug and this bug which seems to be what you're both getting.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

Last seen: 14 years 10 months ago
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It seems to be the second bug

It seems to be the second bug link.

Obviously hasn't been fixed for .47.

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