Someone tried to use this application to access a Cisco router?
When trying to access a Cisco router via SSH (PuTTY) the Cisco's read only access is granted but the administrator's access is not working at all, I don't know why.
Attached an example of my script in KeePass;
Auto-Type: {USERNAME}{ENTER}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}enable{ENTER}enable-password-here{ENTER}
The scritp execute the last two {ENTER}s but not the password in between.
My passwords contain special characters like "^" and "@". Those characters must be changed to {CARAT} and {AT}.
Password 123@456^7 must be changed to 123{AT}456{CARAT}7
The problem now reside on the time it takes to the script to be executed. Working from my office the script is executed without problems, also the router resides on my office, but from my home where the communication have more latency the script apparently runs too fast to be captured by the router.
That's the new problem that I have to deal with.
According to the autotype page at
there is a {DELAY X} command that you could try inserting before the password, to see if that helps?
The {DELAY X} command works perfect. Problem fixed!
Thank You Jimbo!
According to the autotype page at
there is a {DELAY X} command that you could try inserting before the password, to see if that helps?