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[Bugs] Blender Portable 2.49 Rev 2

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Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56
[Bugs] Blender Portable 2.49 Rev 2
  • BUG: file "$TEMP\quit.blend" is left behind
  • BUG: language switching doesn't work. BlenderPortable contains "App\Blender\.blender\locale\*.*", "App\DefaultData\settings\.blender\locale\*.*" and thus "Data\settings\.blender\locale\*.*". 3 times the same stuff, but the launcher searches the locales at "$PROGRAMDIRECTORY\locale\*.*", which doesn't exist.
  • oh, and btw., the code could be cleaned a bit
  • several minor things (BenderPortable.ini, Readme.txt,...), but I'm not a Release Team member and too lazy to write them down at the moment Blum
tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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"$TEMP\quit.blend" is left behind - Can you explain what you where doing/did so that I can replicate it? Edit 20/07/09 22:10 GMT: Got this to create the file in username/appdata/local/temp when playing around with the language settings in Blender.

language switching doesn't work - A definate error as .blender should come before the locale in the launcher. However I had moved away from that leaving all languages available, unfortunately not correcting the launcher template. Languages can be changed whilst using Blender but you must save as the new default if you wish it to be the primary language each time it is run. was a previous response to get Japanese fonts working.

the code could be cleaned a bit - Please elaborate. Semi-colon lines etc are not read and the launcher itself was kept as a visual for others to see how I modified the Pidgin launcher.

several minor things - The .ini I believe can have the first 3 files removed with the latest format and FileZilla needs changing to Blender. Same again in the Readme, under the License section FileZilla needs changing to Blender.

I will look at cleaning the minor text errors etc. and hope I hope it has not spoilt your experience with the software.

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Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56

e.g. there are lines for getting and adjusting the driveletter, but nothing will be adjusted -> useless code. In my eyes the "not-used" Pidgin code could be removed too, but it's your decision.

I'll take a second look tonight and will give more feedback.

Alright, I just launched Blender Portable, added a few objects and saved a file.

  • Seems that the recent files are stored at "BlenderPortable\Data\settings\.blender\.Blog". As said above, the launcher doesn't adjust any files, so the MRU doesn't work if the drive letter changes.
  • Launcher line 213 should be:
    CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\App\DefaultData\settings\*.*" "$EXEDIR\Data\settings"
  • You could add your copyright to the launcher code and Readme.txt
  • Is it really necessary to have 3 times the locales, scripts and plugins. I think you could save 12 MB
tanisthalon's picture
Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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The original folder is untouched in the App folder. DefaultData holds the files for the settings, obviuosly these copy across to the Data folder like the other applications. I tried previously without the locales in place and you could not change them unless they remained in the active .blender folder in Data, so I left it as is.

The line you mention, after checking the likes of Pidgin and 7zip, matches the others used in the official launchers.

I am not too bothered about adding my copyright, I used to add it but after all I am only altering the original slightly and as such I felt full credit should be John's.

I am hoping to have a bit of time tomorrow night to clean it with some of the points you have raised. I will keep you informed and continually check for anything else you may find that have been missed or can been improved.

Edit: quit.blend is for the recover last session so it will be best that I copy then delete and have it restored on a restart.

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Draw :-)

tanisthalonThe line you mention, after checking the likes of Pidgin and 7zip, matches the others used in the official launchers.

After checking the likes of BonkEnc, Notepad++ and VLC my proposal matches the others used in the official launchers too.

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Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
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Playing around

I have cleaned some errors and looked at deleting the file from Temp with a little help from gVim Portable. Seems to be working fine. Although I am looking at a few other things before I progress and pass on to John. After all I would prefer to keep it for the recover last session option. Let me know if you are interested in checking any of the builds I do and we can arrange something.

Edit: Ok I have changed it a bit more so that a folder is created in data called RecoverLastSession. The launcher uses this as Temp and saves the quit.blend file and we keep it there when shut down so that restart has it there ready for the recover last session command. From the test I just did it seems to be ready for additionally eyes and testing. I would like to look at this more so that the default settings I have included do not need to be there and that I can do with tmp what I have with Temp.

Dell XPS M1530 Laptop
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Last seen: 1 month 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2008-07-23 07:56

Hmmm, maybe the best way to go is releasing a Pre-Release (Blender 2.49a Revision 3 Pre-Release 1).
I don't mean to be rude, but there was never a Blender Pre-Release. And I'm not a regular Blender user, so I think I can't help very much. I'm just a beginner and don't know (and thus can't check) the Blender features and their portability.
A Pre-Release could be tested by the Release Team and others, so you'll get feedback better than mine.

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Last seen: 4 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-11 08:02
Blender Portable 2.49a Rev 3

Blender Portable 2.49a Rev 3 Pre-Release 1 has finally been posted for testing. Thanks again Bart.S for pointing out the bugs.

Dell XPS M1530 Laptop
Intel Core 2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz
4GB Ram
256MB GeForce 8600M GT

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