Application: Sublime Text
Category: Development, Shareware
Description: Sublime Text is a very useful Editor which supports several languages and comes with lots of cool features Sublime Text is Shareware! To find out more about Sublime Text, please visit the Sublime Text Homepage!
Download Sublime Text Portable Development Test 4 [Launcher Only] (thanks to Bensawsome)
Mirror by Gizmokid2005: Download Sublime Text Portable Development Test 4 [Launcher Only]
[449 KB (460.392 Bytes) download / 657 KB (673.395 Bytes) installed (without the actual App!)]
(MD5: 01BB54D53B92E49E498556472C566780, SHA-1: 2D0142F7FF288294236E54A25850273F0B79CD67 )
Release Notes:
- Launcher only, Sublime Text and Icons not included!
Copy the contents of your local installation folder to "App\Sublime Text". - Automatically updates your session
- Development Test 4 (24.11.2009): Updated to Format™ 1.0 and compiled with the new installer
- Development Test 3 (20.11.2009): Small Bugfix release ("Sublime Text Portable Development Test 3")
- Development Test 2 (20.11.2009): Bugfix release ("Sublime Text Portable Development Test 2")
- Development Test 1 (19.11.2009): Initial release ("Sublime Text Portable Development Test 1")
ChangeLog for Sublime Text Portable Development Test 4
- Updated appinfo.ini to version 1.0
ChangeLog for Sublime Text Portable Development Test 3
- Fixed appinfo.ini entry
- Preserves App folder on upgrade
ChangeLog for Sublime Text Portable Development Test 2
- Added custom INI-Settings and example file
- Improved/fixed session updating
- Now using OpenGL as default rendering mode
ChangeLog for Sublime Text Portable Development Test 1
- Initial Release
TODOs for Sublime Text Portable Development Test 5:
- Add detailed descriptions about the software
Known issues
If you have free time and want to help me, please test Sublime Text Portable
Don't forget to provide a comment describing what you did and which bugs did occur (Don't forget to name your operating system!)
Development Test 4
- The initial launch will take a long period of time
This is because Sublime Text creates its AppData before running.
Development Test 3 (Outdated)
- The initial launch will take a long period of time
This is because Sublime Text creates its AppData before running.
Development Test 2 (Outdated)
- The initial launch will take a long period of time
This is because Sublime Text creates its AppData before running. - Launching SublimeTextPortable from the PortableApps Platform will fail
- If you upgrade your previous version of SublimeTextPortable, your App directory will be deleted and you need to copy Sublime Text's files again
Development Test 1 (Outdated)
- The initial launch will take a long period of time
This is because Sublime Text creates its AppData before running. - Session updating won't work
While the program looks interesting, it appears to be shareware at $59 per user, 30 day trial.
Or is there actually a freeware version that I missed?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
i was told that monies was used to get rid of the nagging from the program. Other then that everything works, but I haven't played with it heavily.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Their website says:
We have made the leap at from open source to freeware.
It seems that equating open ended "evaluation" of shareware and calling it freeware just isn't right, morally or legally.
If we are saying that it is OK, then we might as well toss all licensing concerns out the window.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
If you really love it, you'll buy the key. If you don't, you'll stop using it. If that happens it, I guess you could say my evaluation is over.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
This is one step onto a very slippery slope, and it strikes me that it is against the honor that has worked so hard to develop.
We disparage the other sites for their lack of concern about licensing and permissions and "whatever you can get away with" attitudes.
I thought we would be above this kind of thing.
You can do what you want, but I guess you can tell I won't be trying Sublime Text.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Hello J Neutron,
I don't know why you think that Sublime Text is Freeware. It is indeed Shareware, that's why I provide the launcher only forcing potential users to visit Sublime Text's homepage to read about its licensing conditions. Using it for evaluation purpose is allowed, according to their website, however, this launcher is primarily for people which actually bought the program and want to carry it on their USB-Drive without having to build their own launcher. Since the License is bound to the User when you buy it (and not to the computer), it is not forbidden to carry your registered version around with you. (This launcher actually uses a commandline-option documented in Sublime Text's documentation, which suggests this usage scenario!)
This launcher does NOT bypass ANY of Sumblime Text's evaluation mechanisms! They simply don't have any, except the nagscreen which disappears when you buy the product. It is legal to provide a launcher for this Application, as long as you don't include their files.
I do not think this is a violation of any license terms, neither is it a lack of permisson. This is a unsupported Development Test which is NOT official!
I'll edit my post, so it's clear for everyone that this is shareware and you need to buy the product. I hope that is enough.
I didn't say it was freeware. I said it was shareware.
I also said that handles open source and very recently started with freeware. For some people that was a HUGE event, and there were some heated discussions about it.
Nowhere has anybody said that shareware would appear around here. That would be even a larger step.
I wasn't aware that has decided to take that step.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Please remember that I am a freelance developer and I am NOT! This is an unofficial Application Launcher in the Format, to make it easy to integrate into the PortableApps Platform, not an official release. The thing is, Freeware launchers have been around before they were officially released, the same will eventually happen with Shareware (see for example). supports and handles Open-Source Software and Freeware, the fact that there are Shareware Launchers in the Beta test Forums does not change anything about that.
Please, PLEASE before jumping down a developers throat, make sure you know what you are talking about.
There have been launchers on the forums for AT LEAST a year and a half, for everything ranging from OSS, all the way to payware such as this. They aren't against the rules as they are LAUNCHER ONLY and DO NOT include the application. They aren't breaking any licensing rules or otherwise. If someone has purchased this app, here's a launcher for Format...or say they want to use the 30-day trial, this will put that into Format as well.
Don't attack someone's work just because they are making it for an application that isn't 100% OSS or Free. Let the people decide. This is in no way illegal or against any licensing. sar3th made a launcher, for an app, that can be used as a trial, and then purchased.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with what he has done.
Good day.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
What is the point of this post? Being rude? That's the only purpose I can find for it, but please correct me if it does serve a purpose besides being rude. Which I highly doubt.
There is no point in making a post just to be rude. If you don't agree, say so in a polite way and state why. If you have nothing nice to say, just keep quiet. If you don't have anything to add to a discussion, then don't post.
Kind regards,
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
It seems that I have been the one adding to this legitimate conversation, and everybody else wants to blow me off. I finally gave up trying, and then you post an off-topic message that doesn't add anything to the conversation and say that I'm being rude because I'm not adding to the conversation.
Tell me who is being rude....
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
You raised some good points until "IDK IDC".
Lets all lay off and test some software!
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
I wasn't talking about all your posts in general, just the "IDK, IDC" post. My message may not have been on topic, but it was relevant to your post, which wasn't exactly on topic either
Anyway, I didn't mean to be rude (nor do I mean to do so with this post), so my apologies if I were/am/seemed to be/seem to be.
Behold, the DutchLander has arrived.
Grammatical errors are copyrighted.
Peace, please.
I had surrendered and was walking away.
Still am....
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
Check your appinfo.ini

And please don't delete the app directory I worked so hard to get
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world
Thanks, it should work in Development Test 3.
Test 3 is working okay. I'll have to do some further testing but everything seems to be working.
Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world