Ok, I'm sorry to say that, but IMO Warzone2100 Portable (2.2.4 Rev 3) has a bad design:
- The Warzone2100 Portable launcher ignores the "ingame" screen resolution settings and those of the file "Data\settings\config". No matter what the user set within Warzone2100 or the config file, it won't be used. It always launchs Warzone with the commandline parameter "--resolution $SCREENWIDTHx$SCREENHEIGHT", which is 1024*768 by default.
- $SCREENWIDTH and $SCREENHEIGHT could be set by using the Warzone2100Portable.ini though, but the launcher looks for it within the Data directory. That's not documented and not the standard place for the ini file.
- As mentioned in another thread, Warzone Portable starts in fullscreen mode by default. That doesn't work on all systems, so the windowed mode should be the default
What are the consequences of that bad design? Bug reports like #, #, #, # or #.
I been editing the Config in the "Data\settings\config".
I have got it to open in Window but now I just can't get the resolution fixed still.
It still opens 1024x768.
Copy the Warzone2100Portable.ini to Warzone2100Portable\Data and edit it there.
something not clear for me
the file "Warzone2100Portable.ini" has been created in the folder "data"
following content is used:
also the file "config" was copied to "data" folder and has been renamed to "Warzone2100Portable.ini"
all variants don't work, game using default resolution 1024x768
what content should be in the file Warzone2100Portable.ini?
[Use <pre> for blocks of code or <code> for inline code, not [code] - mod Chris]
found a right variant
[Use <pre> for blocks of code or <code> for inline code, not [code] - mod Chris]