Hello, I've just downloaded the latest release of Songbird portable.
However, it seems that add-ins won't install...
I have tried 2 ways: browsing in Songbird to a download page, and downloading an add-in to my desktop and installing from there (tested on LyricMaster and Last.FM). The result is a bit disappointing: Songbird recognizes an extension and asks for the restart to install it. After the restart nothing happens...
Is it a bug or add-ins are not expected to function in a portable edition?
P.S. apart of that - it's a SUPERB application. Many thanks for making it portable!!!
I came across this the other day. I think you'll find that the download button is disabled if the version of Songbird required by the specific add-on is less than current version of Songbird you have. So basically, developers of add-ons have to confirm that their add-on is valid for the most current version of Songbird before it will let you download it. A good idea but a little annoying all the same.
You can test the theory if you download an older portable version of Songbird. I did this with the iPod add-on, which won't work in the latest versions. (1.4 and above).