Hello everybody,
I downloaded XAMPP and XAMPP Launcher 1.3 and installed Launcher at:
For the next step I exctracted XAMPP to
But there is no change that XAMPP launcher can find XAMPP server.
How have I to edit Launcher INI-File that is does work.
Settings of INI file at the moment:
Name=XAMPP Control Panel
Description=XAMPP is an integrated web, database, mail and ftp server.
Since I don't use XAMPP, I can't tell which options you need to change into what. HOWEVER!
1) You should install the launcher to %drive%\PortableApps\XAMPP folder!
2) You should extract XAMP, if it's downloaded separately or I don't know why you have another XAMP (again, I don't use it), if your %drive%\PortableApps\XAMPP\App\xamp folder is empty or doesn't exist, then it should be extracted there!
3) You are looking at the wrong ini file! You should go to the .\Other\Source folder of XAMPPortable, and copy XAMPPortable.ini (or very similar) to the same folder where your XAMPPortable.exe lies (basically move it 2 folders up). Then, you need to edit that ini file, IF NEEDED! Don't ask me for more specific options, since, I repeat, I don't use XAMPP and can't tell you exactly what and where. Just posting here because you had done some basic stuff incorrectly...
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
I do use XAMPP, and it works fine.
dboki89 was quite correct that you've got the install paths wrong, but here are the ones you need to use.
For the launcher : you can technically put it wherever your papps folder is, but typically, you would use.
For the main XAMPP installation, like it says on the PortableApps.com download page for it, you must install it in the root of the drive
It does not go in a subdirectory of %drive%\PortableApps\XAMPP and will not work if you put it there.
XAMPP itself is technically complicated and difficult to get working well anywhere other than in the root of the drive, so it is always recommended that it be installed to that location. I'd suggest that you delete the %drive%\PortableApps\XAMPP install, and start it again clean.
Using the folders I give above, it should just work(TM), no messing with INI files needed at all.
Thanks for correcting me, I just made an assumption that it is like any other Portable application and has the same folder outline and stuff. Could you please come on the chat/irc thingy at
I have a few questions about the servers... Thanks in advance
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replace your XAMPP to root directory of your usb stick. Then XAMPP launcher can find XAMPP as well.
Oh, no, I'm not using it yet, and it's not about the installation of XAMPP... I have another, eh, "problem", can only explain it on chat...
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I'm sorry I don't have an access for irc chat but if you have special question of XAMPP you can ask them in a separate forum.
Link I provided above (https://portableapps.com/support/chat/live), you can access it over the web browser easily. Just follow the link, click Connect...
But their forum is probably better. Thanks for that
I hope your problem is sorted as well!
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Normally it doesn't matter from which directory I start xampp and I think that I have to run setup script of XAMPP after every change of the drive name of my USB Stick. So XAMPP Launcher should support sub directories in its config file that XAMPP can be placed in PortableApps directly.
For the next step the root folder of XAMPP launcher should renamed of "XAMPP" to "XAMPPLaucher Portable" that XAMPP can can be replaced into PortableApps folder.
If you never run the setup batch file you're OK. However, after running it the first time it's turned its good relative paths into absolute, drive-letter dependant paths.
Now you've done it you're stuck having to continue, but next time never run that batch file.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
you mean that I can replace absolute paths in all setting files of XAMPP from a drive letter (E:\ etc.) to %drive% ?
It had relative paths at the very start - i.e. \xampp\whatever and /xampp/whatever (depending on the file type); the setup script wrecks that so that it becomes absolute paths. Once you've started, you're stuck having to keep on doing it for every drive letter.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Hi. I didn't want to start a separate topic if it's not needed. I just wanted to let you know that the versions for XAMPP (full and lite versions) are different here and on the download page. Here, it's displayed as 1.7.1, while it redirects to a page where only versions 1.7.3 exist. Also, the sizes differ (naturally). Should I download the older versions from SF, or will the newer one from Apache Friends still work? Also, why is the DL link directing to http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html, when the download buttons from there only redirect again to the SourceForge? If the versions are that important, it would be easier and more practical then to link to the SF page with the supported version of XAMPP... Wouldn't it?
My posts are old and likely no longer relevant.
I've partially updated it; the problem is .
News to me is that the XAMPP Control Panel is now open source... ish. See http://www.nat32.com/src/source.htm for details; John: do you reckon "All of the following source code can be freely used for any purpose" is enough for us to bundle it? We could try contacting the guy to get it specifically released under the GPL if that would help (I imagine it would). If so I'll get back to properly packaging up XAMPP with PAL (very easy actually to update the drive letters now with that, I'll look at relative paths in the launcher too).
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
I think that's all we need. He's basically public domained it, which may not be the best option for him personally. Pinging him about a specific license (MIT seems like his best fit) would make sense.
As for a portable package, upgrades and division of App and Data are the biggest issues. XAMPP's Apache has stuff in htdocs that is theres and stuff you add (Drupal for instance). Same with mySQL. We could move stuff back and forth on launch and when the XAMPP Control Panel closes, but that may get messy. Worth a shot, though. The XAMPP guys seem willing to help as well as they like the promotion it gets here.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
When I did this earlier (and never published it) I put htdocs in the Documents directory by default. MySQL databases etc. went in Data. I had it working fine. I've still got that code - it can just be made a lot neater with PAL than the NSIS code I had (that was before I understood macros; they could have simplified it a lot). At the time it was something like 45 files that needed doing, some slash, some backslash. It's quite an interesting project, and worth doing, I think.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Ok, that makes sense. Although I think I'd put both in Data rather than Documents. They really do go together because a lot of what people will be doing is gonna be database-driven stuff one way or another, so it doesn't make sense to split them up. And stuff like websites and databases isn't really documents.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
MySQL Databases should definitely go in Data. As for the websites, often people will use it for fairly static pages, so I decided Documents\XAMPP or Documents\htdocs was a better place - especially as the user will be directly using them often, and I at least have the general feeling that the user should never directly touch anything in the Data directory, e.g. X:\PortableApps\XAMPPPortable\Data... it just doesn't feel right.
I'll make it so it can be overridden one way or the other though. (I'm implementing a way of getting a user-specified value from the user config INI file in PAL; fairly simple with environment variables.)
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
See, if someone is working on simple static pages, there's no reason at all to use XAMPP. You can just create static HTML, CSS and JS pages, dump them in Documents or wherever you want, and open them up in Firefox Portable, Chrome Portable or what have you to test them out.
The whole point of XAMPP Portable is for working on dymanic, database-drive sites, etc while on the go. Stuff like WordPress, Wikis, Drupal and custom PHP+mySQL code. For XAMPP, the htdocs and the database are two sides of the same coin and absolutely should go together.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
You can download the newest one. I use it, too. It is not important which version of XAMPP you want to use because there is no direct interaction between portable apps programms and xampp. It is only important to use newer verions because of bug fixes and new features which you need.