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[Query] How to disable Win 7 Jump list and get the standard system menu back progrmatically?

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Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-21 08:17
[Query] How to disable Win 7 Jump list and get the standard system menu back progrmatically?

Hi All,
I am very new to this forum, please forgive me if I have posted in wrong forum, Mods you can move or remove my posting if it's in appropriate.

I have couple of queries.

[Query 1]: How to disable Win 7 Jump list and get the standard system menu back progrmatically? I searched a lot but could not find any Windows API?

[Query 2]: I have Windows Form created in Managed C++.... Does any of you know
How can I place a shortcut editor control in that (which would allow user to configure their own shortcuts for some operations)

[Query 3]: I have already read
I have an application called PMW ( process manager for Windows) , which is a portable application. I am almost ready with newer release.

I would to share it with you all for testing, but I can't figure an option over here to uplaod it for testing and get constructive criticism :).
Neither I could understand the concept of putting Splash Screen, my application do not have any splash screen.

Mods let me know if I can share my app with any of you and then you decided whether it's Alpha/Beta/RC/PreRelease quality.

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-03-27 15:21
I would to share it with you

I would to share it with you all for testing, but I can't figure an option over here to uplaod it for testing and get constructive criticism Smiling.
Neither I could understand the concept of putting Splash Screen, my application do not have any splash screen.

There's no option for uploading on this website. What you'll need to do is host it somewhere else and link to it.

As for the splash, you'll probably want to make up a simple NSIS wrapper. Chck out 7-Zip, and pull out the registry code.

Mods let me know if I can share my app with any of you and then you decided whether it's Alpha/Beta/RC/PreRelease quality.

You'll call it a development test and then place it in the beta testing forums. JTH and Chris Morgan will tell you where to go from there.

Check out the Guerilla Guide as well.

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

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