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A File-Based Approach to Launching Programs

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Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-03 18:33
A File-Based Approach to Launching Programs

I'm going through my old and worn flash drive (at last) to get ready for school, and I found that having a menu to launch programs is a pretty big drag for me, so I wrote a quick'n'simple script that you can use to create a system akin to OSX's Applications folder.


All you have to do is compile it into AppNamePortable.exe with the appropriate icon in X:\PortableApps\ and it'll launch X:\PortableApps\AppNamePortable\AppNamePortable.exe. Then you can hide all the folders and you won't need a menu. It'll work for any program in the usual PAF file naming structure.

I hope you enjoy it. Smile

(Note: I didn't post it in Beta Testing because I really have no clue if it belongs there. I've lost touch with the Forum Poster inside me :P.)