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How to Have PFF (and PTB) Appear on the U3 Launchpad?

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Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-30 10:58
How to Have PFF (and PTB) Appear on the U3 Launchpad?

I ditched the 'for U3' version of PFF (and PTB) in favor of 'plain old' PFF and PTB...and I'm happy with the results.

Is there a way to make these apps appear on the U3 launchpad? For example, would adding this line to the XML file do the trick?

[illegal symbol]APPLICATION guid="FirefoxPortable" launchOnStart="N" lastUsed="2/27/2006 11:01:21">\Firefox_Portable_1.5.0.6_en-us.exe[illegal symbol]/APPLICATION

(Where "illegal symbol" refers to the sideways "v" that is not allowed in these forums.)

Thanks for your help.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

This has been brought up so many times it's not even funny. Search the forums... I think you'll be surprised at what you find.

"You’ve always been the peacemaker, haven’t you, Bruce? You see injustice and suddenly become blind to everything else. And for what? To save one innocent? You missed the bigger picture, Bruce. You always have."

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-30 10:58


Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

You can type angle brackets here, by the way. Like so:

for < : type " &lt; "
for > : type " &gt; "

They don't work if you type them normally because Drupal (the software these forums is based on) uses HTML instead of BBcode. Invalid tags get stripped out.

"You’ve always been the peacemaker, haven’t you, Bruce? You see injustice and suddenly you become blind to everything else. And for what? To save one innocent? You missed the bigger picture, Bruce. You always have."

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-30 10:58
Lots of Fight But No Delight

Well Bruce, I did look back over earlier posts about adding portable apps to the U3 launchpad and here's what I found: fights over what is and is not allowed to be posted to this forum; fights about whether someone's proposed solution really works or not; several different methods ending with "but I haven't fully tested this yet...'"; and programs I can download that have no explanation about what they do.

I really don't get it. Seems to me John has everything to gain by making it easier for his apps to run on U3, and U3 has everything to gain by encouraging John to port his excellent work to that platform. As it is, nobody wins and the consumer loses.

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

One of the threads has a "U3 shortcut creator" you can download. Supposedly, it works very well and does everything for you.

Here, I found the thread for you:

Fatzilla Explosiveprincess
The Most Explosive Web Browser In The World!

Last seen: 13 years 11 months ago
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Stop the Presses

Well, what started out as a simple question about the U3 launchpad has become a fascinating (for me) exploration into the wider world of portable applications. I also learned about PStart, which is more appealing to me than the U3 Launchpad. I'm very interested in trying PStart and may very well dump the U3 platform altogether.

I realize now how naive I was to suggest that John and the U3 folks should somehow merge their efforts. Wrong! U3 is one approach to portable applications and there are others. Vive la difference!

Bruce Pascoe
Last seen: 13 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-15 16:14

The only real advantage U3 offers is auto-run, and most people can live without that.

Fatzilla Explosiveprincess
"the most explosive web browser in the world"

Last seen: 18 years 1 week ago
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Yes PStart is excellent. There's an option in there to make an autorun.ini file. Although this wont make PStart run straight away when you plug your drive in it will be the first thing that appears on the list of things you can do.

Fantastically useful bit of software. Especially the search function. It's amazing where Uni network admins think a good place for MS Word is some times!

Tim Clark
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I use BOTH !!!

I use them both.

The U3ShortCutCreator (U3SCC) is Really Great!! Works like a charm!

All my NonU3 portable programs are now listed in the U3LaunchPad.
I even added a LaunchPad shortcut for PStart!! Why you might ask?

The one thing the LaunchPad or U3SCC can't do is make a shortcut for a non-program!!

I have quite a few Directories (Folders) and documents (.txt) on my U3Drive that I need to access all the time. PStart lets you create a link to those Folders or documents. I also have links to documents and folders on my 2 main "Host" machines.

LaunchPad for Apps, PStart for folder and documents.
Its a great combination.

These 2 Programs when used in conjuntion with the Latest version of the U3LaunchPad from SanDisk are the greatest things to happen to Flashdrives since they reached 512Mb in size.

By the way, the reason I keep mentioning Sandisk is because so far their latest implementation of U3 is by far the best:
(Ability to update LaunchPad = yes)
(AutoLaunch = yes or no!!!),
(USafe Password protection = yes or no),
(Ability to Remove LaunchPad (U3) = yes!!!),
(ReInstall LaunchPad (U3) after removal= Maybe? [Some people Have done it!!!])

As I've said before, The U3 platform is great, it's what the Vendors choose to give you that is the problem.

Currently I really can't ask for anything more.

(Okay, I want the drives to be a little bit faster and 10GB in size,
But that's all, really!!

Geek w/o Portfolio

Things have got to get better, they can't get worse, or can they?

Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-04-11 20:38
APO Usb Autorun

To make your USB stick autorun there's even a program called APO Usb Autorun. Please google for it. I tried it out once, but can't remember how it worked. I found, I didn't need it really. (Probably the program itself had to autostart with Windows and run in the task tray all the time to detect a USB stick, but not sure). Wink

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