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Portable App Creation Step by Step [Request]

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Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-11 21:20
Portable App Creation Step by Step [Request]

Hello everybody, I'm Y3K, a new member of this awesome community!

The reason of this message (and my signup) in this site is a special request (yes, I know it sounds... "Weird", but I do really think it's necessary).

I'm pretty new in the "PortableApps" world, I mean, not the new using them but I'm with the "" method, and I'm really satisfied with it!

I always asked myself why no one could make a Portable App with everything in order and where it should go! Without leave ANY "path" behind its use, and finally you guys do it, and thanks for that.

But after a few downloads and days exploring how you make all those awesome Apps I decided to make mine, and help the community (and myself too of course), so I wanted to learn how to "compile" the best media *audio* player (for me): The Winamp (not for re-distribution of course, I know it's illegal, but for me that'd be awesome, and would learn how to make Portable Apps too).

So I checked out these links:

Downloaded all the tools needed and readed more and more... But I must to say it: I didn't learn how to do it!
I've now an idea about how do it, but it isn't enough, for me, there are a few "holes" to fill, for example:
What about the software files? When do I need to put them in "AppName.exe/App/AppName"? What is the very first step for everything?

I'm not talking about "test & error" or "known issues" (things that happen when you have your portableapp ready to test), I couldn't even reach that point (disappointing I know! But I'm not a programmer or software enginner, I'm a designer who wants to help too).

That's why I'm please asking you, I don't want an entire guide, I'll make it myself! (as "payment" to the community for the help and learn how to do PortableApps), just need a few "pushes" to the right direction and solve a few *stupid* questions.

Anyone who can help me?

Thank you!

PS: Sorry if there're some grammar faults, the english isn't my first language.

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-28 15:53
Heres waht you need

For a very novice portableappers like you you need

notepad++ portable
nsis portable
portable app launcher
total uninstall(not a freeware)
this software is all u need to make a portable apps

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-11 21:20
And what's next?

All right, I've using Notepad++ for years, downloaded the NSIS & Launcher too.

And the uninstaller... Why? I've never seen anyone asking for that before.

Anyway, doesn't matter, I'm doing all the process in a VirtualMachine so there's absolutely files nor registry keys left (everything is "virgin" always).

But still having a question! When/How should I put all the App files inside the AppNamePortable.exe directory?

Or should I install it directly there?

Thank you!

I'm here to learn.

Last seen: 10 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2009-03-28 15:53
you forgot something

you forgot the portable app launcher here is the link
theres a help file there where you will put the files

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-11 21:20
Didn't forget it

Hi again!

I downloaded the launcher too, and readed the help.html

But, ok I'll read it again maybe I just skiped a section Blum

Everything is so 'fragmented'... "Read here, and there and over there and...", hahahah just joking! I know the guide will help a lot of people too much.

I'm here to learn.

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
Welcome Aboard

You will eventually get the hang of it I am sure.

On a secondary note, you discussed Winamp as a program you wanted to work on?

Have you checked here?

That I believe is a Portable Winamp

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-11 21:20

Hey! Thank you for your reply, it motivates me more to learn Wink

And thanks, but yes, actually I do use that version of Winamp, I just thought that Winamp was a good start point Blum

Well, I'll continue investigating how make a Portable App, hahaha.

Thank you!

PS: Very good quote on your sig, I like it.

I'm here to learn.

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-11 21:20
Shame on me...

Hi everybody!

Well... I'll be honest, I can make a PortableApp yet. I haven't tried a lot too (I'm a little busy right now), but yesterday I started to try again, now with another App (ColorSchemer, not a free tool, I know).

But I still missing some points, I have downloaded every tool you said (from the ones of "Guerrilla Field" tutorial to the ones suggested for "judeah666"), but still don't get what goes first and what next, where to input the registry keys or when should I copy the files from $PROGRAM_FILES$ to AppName/App/AppName... I don't even know if I should copy them manually, I thought the Installer do it by itself (previous definition on the installer.ini file) but I don't know when should run the AppInstaller.

Yeah, I know it sound pretty bad, but I don't understand pretty well how to do it.

I'm here to learn.

Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-20 18:39
Hi Y3K, You may like to look

Hi Y3K,

You may like to look at the bottom of this thread:
Along with advice already given in the current thread it will give you sufficient grounding.

I want to make three further points:

1 - The "Guerrilla Field Guide" can be quite confusing as the advice pertains to the programmatic method of 'portablization', not the PA-Launcher method. They are related and so some of the material is relevant. However when the author, towards the end of the article, speaks about 'finding a suitable launcher' you'll find this has no connection to PAL. The guide is suitable as a very general orientation but provides no practical advice for the use of PAL(or the change detection and 'accounting' process).

2 - The documentation is very well done, all the most relevant topics are covered in some detail and grouped so as to cover the most immediate concerns of the 'portable app developer'. Check and read carefully the "worked out" sections.

3 - I came at PAL with grand expectations of being able to 'portablize' all apps and have complete control. I found this is unrealistic and that the following limits apply:
- You should be aware that some software use protection systems that can detect a changing host - and so require re-registration. This means that you will not be able to make them portable.
- In ~90% of cases you will have to [FILE/DIRMOVE] files back and fourth between your portable directory and host, every session(as apposed to ENV variable redirection) - if those files are many and consume much space, it will not be practical(atm) to make the application portable.
- When switching OS's the portable app may not be compatible on account of the special treatment of the different registrys.(I've found that most of these problem can be resolved by setting launcher.ini(\appinfo\launcher\appnameportable.ini) to require admin privileges).
- Lastly, in many cases you will be required to make [FILEWRITE]'s to settings files(eg.MRU's), some of these files may not be editable by PAL - this results in the application being only partially portable or not at all.

Last seen: 13 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-11 21:20

Thank you for the answer Ambimind, it helped to clear some doubts I had.

Right now I'm reading the PAL manual and the topic that you posted, it's really helpful.

If everything goes right, today I'll make my first PA Biggrin

I'm here to learn.

Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-09 17:16
i wanna make a portableapp

hi, im new to this stuff too. i need a step by step guide to make my oown portable apps. i got a great hunger for this stuff, is such a great area. dan anyone that know this stuff, make a step by step manual or guide?? reading the manual and all the other stuff is so confusing , it dont know why someone doesnt make a step by step guide. if, and when i do figure it out i will makw my own very easy to understand step by step guide so that anyone can understand every single step. so there, Blum

Last seen: 13 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-09 17:16
portable apps
Last seen: 1 day 14 hours ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Hi dragonogard, your first

Hi dragonogard,
your first link explains some basics, that to some extent can be used to learn how an app works to decide, what kind of steps need to be taken to portablize it (entries in the so called AppNamePortable.ini). I don't use total uninstall for that but RegShot Portable that can be found in the App Directory. The techiques described are flawed, though, because they only take care for carrying that app around but not for preserving settings and deleting entries an a host machine (keep in mind, the tutorial was for a live-cd where these things don't matter).

The second link is complete rubbish. It does not in any way show how to portablize an app (despite the author saying so) but just how to extract and repack an installer.

I still plan on writing a simple step-by-step tutorial, but don't have enough spare time atm. It will just be a first outline for the very basics with the Application Template and the PAc Launcher. But with a working example, one could possibly start on more complicated things like registry handling and language switching. Don't wait for it now, but maybe one time I could come back to it...

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