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Sumatra 1.5.1 is ver. 1.3

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Grant Waite
Last seen: 12 years 4 days ago
Joined: 2010-04-26 20:29
Sumatra 1.5.1 is ver. 1.3

Just to let you know - the "new" SumatraPDFPortable_1.5.1.paf.exe is actually the 1.3 version...

There "is" a 1.5.1 version on Krzysztof Kowalczyk's website - but you got the wrong version when you packaged it...


Last seen: 7 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-10-23 03:58
Can't confirm

Hi Grant,

I downloaded my copy on the 29th of April, and it most definitely is 1.5.1. The Help menu (Help-->About) when I open the app itself shows this, as does the background image. The file properties of the sumatra exe inside the PortableApps folder also shows 1.5.1 when I mouse over it.



Edit: I just downloaded the PortableApps installer again, to see if it had changed since I downloaded my original copy. It hasn't - bit for bit identical when doing a binary comparison.

I used to have a sig...until one of the mods ate it

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