About a year ago, someone posted following:
andyarok - April 3, 2010 - 1:47am
I would love to have Musicmatch Jukebox portable. Its one of those wonderful music players that has a good interface and had some very good functions like super tagging, etc.
Am not sure the software restriction policy is valid for Musicmatch now. Because it was bought by Yahoo and they stopped it completely and ruined many of us. You can just make a portable version of a basic one so that if people who have real licenses can use it as a full version.
Looking for reply soon.
Thanks in advance.
Sadly, there's been no takers...
If someone (who knows how!) would be so kind as to "portablize" MMJB (perhaps with Thinstall or similar...?), then ONLY version 7.5! This is the only full-featured version, before it "jumps the shark". The best thing about it: you don't have to be online to use it; the later versions drag you to sites that no longer exist, and you can't downgrade (grrr!).
As the basic player always was freeware (according to oldapps.com), there would be no copyright infringement, and those of us who had registration numbers could turn this into a "Plus" version legally.
Please, someone out there, help a granny that has no idea of programming - this was my all-time favourite proggie EVER, and by installing upgrades past v.8 I shot myself in the foot! Now, a PORTABLE version is my only hope!
Thanks for reading this!
(Hope the joyful reply don't take another YEAR, like to poor andyarok's post...)
Copyright does not permit the app to be repackaged or rebundled without permission from the copyright holder. As Yahoo! owns that copyright now and has killed the app, I don't think that will ever happen.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hmm... "without permission from the copyright holder"... perhaps, as it WAS a freeware app to begin with, one could ask Yahoo! for permission - what would speak against this? Especially, if one would promise to limit oneself to an older version... say, 7.5?
Who would I have to write to?
It was freeware, but that doesn't give you any permissions at all except the ability to install it without paying. You can't repackage it. You can't modify it. You can't add or remove anything. You can't even redistribute it complete unchanged unless the EULA gives you that permission. In short, freeware is very different from open source software and you need to get permission to do just about anything with it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Okay, it's not open source. Nix without permission.
But if someone were to ask the right person at Yahoo! very nicely, to have the permission to turn a now defunct, old freeware app into a portable, just for nostalgia's sake... what would speak against this?
Who is in charge, who would I write to?
In a large corporation like Yahoo!, the chance of getting said permission is virtually zero. They killed Music Match for a specific reason.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
What specific reason? Please forgive my ignorance, I'm very new to all this - I have Internet since 1-1/2 months.
Why did Yahoo! kill MusicMatch? It was the best product of its kind. MediaMonkey offers a lot of tagging features, as does RealPlayer with converting, but mega-tagging and -renaming as well as converting did only MMJB.
I started with version 6, grew with them to 7.2 and 7.5... and then with 8 the trouble started... with 9, my browser was always being opened (irritating... especially when you're working predominately OFFLINE) to a webpage that is now 404, AND you couldn't uninstall it completely anymore.
What's worse, I couldn't RE-install it anymore, either... not even after re-formatting my HD and re-installing my system! It would die in mid-installation, but not before it had automatically rewired all media file types (.MP3, .WAV, etc.) to open with MMJB - which wasn't there... which would choke up and crash my system.
Now, I really NEED this program... but I fear, only a portable version will work on this goofy computer. Unfortunately, even if I knew how to Thinstall it, as I understand, one has to install it first, in order to do so. So my only hope is help from without, as from within, I have run out of resources.
Can you please advise me?
If this info helps, I have a MSI Windsock, WinXP-SP3, Intel Atom CPU 230 @ 160GHz, 0.99GB RAM. My WLAN speed is 64kbps.
My Firefox is 3.6.17.
My user profile is: traditional little-old-lady-with-cat, with NO programming ability whatsoever.
And I believe in the power of positive thinking! Who is in charge of acquisitions at Yahoo! or responsible for this much-desired permission? I would gladly write them my story and ask nicely; my chances are basically 50-50 - perhaps they will still say NO, but perhaps they will surprise us with a YES. On the other hand if I do NOT write and ask, it will remain 100% NO.
But I need to know WHO to write to. A general letter to Yahoo! will get a form-letter reply from the secretarial pool. If I write to someone SPECIFIC, higher up, I will surely reach a human, not just a cog in a corporate machine.
Any suggestions?
I don't know the reason, but when a company decides to kill off an app it's generally because of
profitability reasons, (b) introducing a better product, (c) moving the team to another business or product line or (d) some combination. In any of those cases, the company doesn't want the product being reworked or continued by someone else and will generally never allow anyone to touch it. That's one of the dangers of closed-source software. You're welcome to try, of course, but I'd be willing to bet money that Yahoo! would never permit it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Most people assume that something is impossible, and therefor never try. Granted, that CAN be positive: I'm pretty certain, jumping from the CN Tower without a parachute and surviving belongs to those things. On the other hand, a reasonable request, politely worded... what can be the harm?
Or, as a wise man once said, "Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!"

BTW - Just Google "portable musicmatch" and you'll find offers of "MusicMatch_9.0_Portable_By_FranKCelis.rar (66 MB)" or "Musicmatch JUKEBOX portable.rar (86 MB)" which is version 10... so SOMEONE must have gotten permission... at least Mr. Frank Celis... why, there's even one in Spanish!
Now, if one were to ask permission for a mere version 7.5, when 9 and 10 are already in circulation, this would be but a very humble request, one that would cost Yahoo! nothing to grant - plus, it would be a marketing advantage in the customer relations department.
Also noted, for older systems, like Win9x, CE/ME/NT, this version is the last refuge!
Just a thought...
P/S: I visited worldtradeaftermath.com - spent the last hour crying. God bless you for having put up such a wonderful site. Please keep updating, even if just once a year; our children and theirs will want to know what happened - please keep this piece of history ALIVE in honour of those fallen.
Most portable packages you see done by 3rd parties are done illegally by people who assume it is ok to repackage software just because there is no cost, or people who assume they won't get caught. I can guarantee you that both of those are done without permission.
As Music Match is now definitively dead and there is little chance of a reprieve, I would highly suggest moving on to a different piece of software.
Glad you like WorldTradeAftermath.com. I haven't updated the site in quite some time and probably will not other than an occasional anniversary update.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
it was killed along with another music thing they bought called Launch.com. it was becomming unpopular and with music match people where flocking to the services of Apple due to it being much more simple. music bought at Music Match was very heavly DRM'd and the selection was pitiful. there where only a few devices that supported it and any functunality you would see in it is now avalible easly in the free opensource and sposored by Phillips program called SONGBIRD which has a portable version on this site if i remember correctly. Songbird has access to Amazon's music site and if you get the Phillips branded one you have access to their music site as well.
Launch.com died because of Youtube Myspace LastFM and Facebook.
Their main problem was that they nagged you to their site all the time starting with version 8, forced you to their site with 9 & 10... and then the site died, so you were always being forced to waste time and effort.
Anyhow, I checked out the SONGBIRD you recommended at https://portableapps.com/apps/music_video/songbird_portable
- and am downloading whilst I write.
Hmm... what I need is multi-tagging, multi-renaming, and omni-directional conversion. I also want to be able to add art to my meta-tags, or save the art already there to clipboard. So far, so good. (The other features, like iTune support, online radio or such are of no personal interest to me.)
Basically however, I want to rip my massive (and ever-growing) CD collection into back-up MP3s, and add as much info as possible to each track (just the amateur librarian and researcher in me, I guess).
MMJB also had a great ripper and built-in burner. If the developers of Songbird would just add that as well, this might actually turn out even better than the late great original. (HINT, HINT!)
If you are ripping a lot of CDs, you should consider using flac instead of mp3. flac is lossless, so you don't lose any of the music. mp3 is lossy, and pieces and parts of the music are lost forever and can never be recovered.
Later, if you have devices that only understand mp3s, then you can convert copies of the flacs to feed those devices and never lose anything in the main collection.
If you insist on using mp3, what bitrate will you choose?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
As I am not throwing away the original CDs, I'm archiving my collection @128k - 192k on an external HD - this keeps the file size within acceptable parameters, and I have room to fill the meta-tags with data. (It's just a project for my son, to help him get a better understanding of what was popular
when I was young and growing up, and (b) the same for my father's music. Who wrote what when, how high if at all did it chart where, etc.) The advantage to this system is, I have all my music in one place, and can tell a story to very many songs!
Moreover, the little MP3-stick I take with me to the hospital doesn't play any other formats, so (as they're only back-ups) I find the MP3 format more convenient for my purposes.
But basically, you ARE right - FLAC truly IS lossless.

OK, that's fine then. Too many people rip at 128 and then regret it later. It just doesn't sound good enough and turns into a waste of time.
Oh, with hard drive sizes being what they are nowadays...
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
it has plugins tat do everything you stated it should do with that HINT HINT. so what if it doesnt do it out of box. thats one of the reasons i like the Philips backed version because it comes with philips tools. i am sure songbird has some pluging to do what you want.
W-Well, I just checked out
but there's no mention of plug-ins there at all.
I also did a little shopping at addons.songbirdnest.com - do the .xpi's get installed via drag-and-drop like in FireFox?
All in all, a good beginning, but there's STILL a LOT missing, to make this product match MusicMatch!
Or where do I find the right add-ons page?
go to the options or preferences and there should be an option to search for more plugins or feathers.
as for that site not mentioning plugins? umm you didnt read well did you.
Add-ons: With Philips Songbird, you can personalize your experience from more than 500 add-ons that range from appearance themes, artist biographies and concert information to mash-ups, lyrics and more
that also has a hotlink to the plugin site which i will add to this post.
if you are still unhappy with that you can always go to WinAmp or foobar2000 which are the original unlike MMJB which wanted to be a WinAmp program.
I did a little shopping on http://addons.songbirdnest.com/ - perhaps you over-read this. I found a few things that look promising, but not everything. Yet.
In any case, I promise, I really WILL give this a try...
i hate not having a Now Playing list. this erks me so much that i use FooBar2k on my linux machines instead of songbird. i only use songbird now to tag and to sync to my GoGear. that was when i had windows running.
i think foobar is a better audioplayer than songbird and it has a portable version option on the installer from the official site.
You should check out Tag&Rename. It is a great meta tagger that is very powerful. It can do batch tagging as well as rename the files based on the tags.
I also highly recommend TagRunner from Audials. It is an amazing little piece of software that analyzes the mp3 file(s) and then fetches the tag (along with lyrics and cover art) and embeds them into the mp3. I love the lyrics part as then I can see the lyrics on my iPhone when i'm listening to my music! Unfortunately I could not find TagRunner on Audials' site anymore. Although you may be able to find it in a corner of the net somewhere.
I know that there are lots of different tagging solutions out there. But as a picky audio librarian myself, I have tried numerous promising "taggers" and kept coming back to the above mentioned tools.
Good luck in your search!
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
OK, here's the link to the original:
Download MusicMatch Jukebox 7.50.3103
[Link removed - just because it's old doesn't make it legal to redistribute it - mod Chris]
This was my all-time favourite - try it out yourself, and see why. As far as offline media management is concerned, this Girl Friday could rip CDs to MP3, Thompson MP3Pro, and WAV formats; tag, rename from tag, re-tag from name, and that for entire playlists at once! It could convert from MP3-WAV and back. You could add album art by paste from clipboard, and could copy art to clipboard (and then to Paint and save). You could add all kinds of info to the meta-tags. It organized my MP3-library into categories of my own choosing, found duplicates, and, if desired, killed them. I could put together CD-mixes and burn them with the built-in burner.
Facit: from inserting a CD to archiving data with art, lyrics, info, links, and any notes, to burning a CD for my son... all I needed was this one program - which also served as an excellent multi-media player, complete with EQ.
I need a port'ble, port'ble - port'ble's what I need (hey, hey)...

Where do I find an OpenSource equivalent to THIS???
for cd ripping and encoding you could use fre:ac it allows to rip cd's in multiple formats and at any bitrate you want.
your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau
CDEX is a good ripper that tags and rips into archival quality FLAC, WAV, MP3, ogg and possibly more.
Windows Media Player. Downloads albumart, tags and has a decent MP3 ripper in WMP10+
Foobar2K it has somewhat of a library tool and it can rip CD's into many different formats.
WinAmp is said to be able to rip and tag as well.
i am reading even VLC can rip CD's but i have not tested that.
why are you intent on using an outdated program when there are plenty of alternitives that are still in business.
In September 2008, Yahoo! Music Jukebox went out of business.
3 years old is a long time.
...I'd need SEVERAL programs to do what ONE always did.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not MARRIED to MMJB (although my uncle DID buy a lifetime update for me), and I'd be more than pleased if the Songbird folks would take a look at that old product and develop the same features in theirs. They now have $olid backing from Phillips, so they can afford to turn this into the ultimate OpenSource project!
(Besides...the name "Songbird" is far more aesthetically attractive, in my humble opinion... perfect for the ultimate song machine!)

what do you mean several programs to do what one did?
WMP11 i used because it was far easier to use than musicbox and if i set it right didnt DRM my own music. musicbox was very short lived in my household.
all of the programs i listed can do everything you asked minus the burning onto disc for some of them.
maybe i dont understand what feature it is you say MMJB has that no one else seems to have. I think that there is a tiny illusion that nothing can match MusicMatch. Itunes can do everything MM did and it has a better store.
1. are you just ripping CD's into mp3/flac/other
2. are you ripping your music and having it organized in a library for easy search
3 are you ripping into a library and then burning the ripped music back onto CD or onto a MP3 CD
do you know foobar2k has far more plugins than songbird and can do your tagging ripping and burning once you find the addons. Same thing goes with WinAmp and songbird. you may not find them on the official site either.
I have no DRM issues... as I never bought music online, nor do I intend to. I'm old-fashioned, I still want HARD COPY for my money - I buy CDs at my local store, take them home, rip back-up MP3s (which I generously tag with as lavish a collection of info as I can find!), put the originals away in a safe place, and listen to my music on my computer.
When my son's there, I can do some "pop music history" with him (waddaya mean, who's Paul McCartney???) And I can put together a music-mix on CD (remember cassette tapes we made of our records for our friends as kids?) whenever I want to get a special message across.
External players are also no problem - my USB MP3-stick can read/write like any other external HD from my Explorer. I just add/remove my music by drag and drop.
So I guess the answer to your questions would be:
Q1. are you just ripping CD's into mp3/flac/other
A. Yes, only to MP3
Q2. are you ripping your music and having it organized in a library for easy search
A. YES! YES! YES! (at least I was trying to get order into my chaos)
Q3. are you ripping into a library and then burning the ripped music back onto CD or onto a MP3 CD
A. Occasionally - although my last romantic CD-compilation is already a few years old... but I'd like to be able to without "much ado about nothing"
IMPORTANT: all of you gents here have been very kind and generous with software suggestions - I thank you; I have downloaded and tried out EVERY suggestion. Yes, there ARE some good proggies out there, without a doubt - I'm just looking for the "all-in-one"-"Swiss Army Knife" like I once had. And, most of all PORTABLE, so I can work with it anywhere!
Now, I have to rip with one app, tag/rename/etc. with another (albeit a GOOD one!), and, if desired, compile a playlist and burn it to CD with yet another.
OK, better than not being able to do it at all...
but there MUST be a developer listening to (reading) this, getting some good ideas on how to built the better OpenSource mousetrap...
(Perhaps a few new feathers in Songbird's cap?)

I have both checked out Tag&Rename as well as found TagRunner, as per your recommendations.
Tag&Rename: this costs $30, and is not portable; they DO offer a U3 version, but whatever that is, I don't have the U3 format for it (?).
TagRunner: Yes, this product (and all support) seem to have disappeared from Audials' site. And it, too, needs installation on a host machine. As for finding it on a "corner of the net" try Google - the 3rd entry sends you directly to Jack Sparrow's Bay.

Tag&Rename has an option at install time for a portable install to a USB. As for the $30 price tag. I have found that Tag&Rename has paid for itself many times over, having used it to tag around 110 cd's.
I am in the process of portablizing TagRunner, so if/when I get it finished I will post a launcher for it.
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
Did you try Tagscanner? It has a portable version on its homepage (don't know how portable it is, though). It seems quite powerful.
I use Mp3Tag. There even is a development test here in the Beta forum. It seems simple at first sight but ist very powerful and includes group- and batch tagging, file renaming, cover-search, pasting covers and even drag and drop from an open browser window.
It does not rip, though, but I use ExactAudioCopy for that (also as portable in the beta forum).
May take a bit...
Site looks great! Just 6 pages, everything you'd want to know is listed. Lots of awards, including "Best Freeware"... Screens look impressive...
Looks worth a try!
OK, got it. Yes, Tagscanner IS portable, and powerful. Glad I DLed the PDF with it... this ought to keep me busy for awhile...
BTW, oddly enough, perhaps because I have such a slow connection, Tagrunner didn't find anything for the 3740 MP3s I have in the "My Music" folder - I guess I can well forget the rest scattered elsewhere...
OK - the winner is: TagScanner 5.1.597 Portable regarding retagging, renaming, and a player's there as well. I haven't tried this OFFline yet, but this is something worth putting into an all-in-one.
All it would need is a multi-format ripper, Thompson MP3Pro format support, a playlist and a burner...
...and it would be MMJB's freeware twin. And all that as a PORTABLE... bonus...
...and howzabout world peace, while we're at it...