Application: Mp3tag
Category: Music & Video
License: Freeware
Language: Multilingual
Description: Mp3tag is a powerful & yet easy-to-use tool to edit the metadata of common audio formats.
Download Mp3tag Launcher Dev Test 2 [1MB download / 12MB installed]
(MD5: a8674b588311428c6732e3687119e29d)
Launcher: This package is a launcher only. Just install it as usual and then you can update Mp3tag.
From the help file:
To update Mp3tag, first download the setup file.
Then you can do one of two things:
1. Put the downloaded file into the "Mp3tagPortable" folder (next to "Mp3tagPortable.exe").
2. Tell Mp3tag Portable where the downloaded file is by copying "Mp3tagPortable\Other\Source\Mp3tagPortable.ini" to the "Mp3tagPortable" folder (next to "Mp3tagPortable.exe"). Open it and add the path to your usual downloads folder (without the drive letter) to the "DownloadDirectory" entry. If your folder is "X:\Documents\Downloads" then the line should look like this: "DownloadDirectory=Documents\Downloads". Save the file.
Now run Mp3tag Portable and it will update.
Note: having multiple versions of the setup file in either directory is not supported.
Release Notes:
Launcher Dev Test 2 (2019-07-17):
- Data dir not upgraded correctly. Fixed.
Launcher Dev Test 1 (2019-07-12):
- Package converted to launcher only. See main post.
2.95 Dev Test 1 (2019-04-21):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.95.
2013-10-07 --> 2019-03-01:
- Mp3tag updates.
2.58 Dev Test 1 (2013-10-07):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.58.
- Added path replacement to tools.ini.
2012-12-23 --> 2013-10-07:
- Mp3tag updates.
2.53 Dev Test 1 (2012-10-25):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.53.
- Fixed a bug in the creation of DefaultData if package was upgraded (two files not copied).
- Updated dev test splash.
2011-11-15 --> 2012-07-19:
- Mp3tag updates.
2.49 Dev Test 2 (2011-10-10):
- Mp3tag 2.49 is saving it's settings backup zip on every close so the portable handling has changed. You can manually delete any unwanted backups in Data\backup.
- Settings dir structure changed. Upgrade should be automatic.
- Converted to PAL 2.1.2.
2.49 Dev Test 1 (2011-06-03):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.49.
2.48 Dev Test 1 (2011-01-29):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.48.
- EDIT 2011-02-11: File is back on SourceForge.
2.47b Dev Test 1 (2010-11-30):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.47b.
2.46a Dev Test 1 (2010-03-21):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.46a.
- Icons now match language selection in options dialog if using automatic language switching with PAM.
- Added a check to make sure the launcher has closed (and cleaned up) if immediately restarted. From Winamp Portable.
2.46 Dev Test 1 (2010-03-16):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.46.
- Dockbar info is now stored in config file so no need for registry. Removed plugin.
- Removed DefaultData. Files now written on first run.
2.45a Dev Test 5 (2010-02-25):
- Improved drive switching code. Thanks Gringoloco.
2.45a Dev Test 4 (2010-02-25):
- Updated to NewTextReplace_v0.4.
2.45a Dev Test 3 (2009-12-30):
- Now uses Gringoloco's ReplaceInFileUnicode function which changes the drive letters in the directory switcher. Thanks Gringoloco!
- Installer created with Installer 1.0.2.
2.45a Dev Test 2 (2009-12-07):
- Compiled with Installer 1.0.1, which now extracts the setup EXE successfully (so installer is 'online' only).
- ...but package version in 'appinfo.ini' is still wrong (can't contain letters).
2.45a Dev Test 1 (2009-11-28):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.45a. No issues.
- Fixed bug in installer...
- ...but package version in 'appinfo.ini' is now wrong (can't contain letters).
2.45 Dev Test 1 (2009-11-22):
- Mp3tag has been updated to 2.45. No issues.
2.x Dev Test 2 (2009-08-30):
- Added automatic language switching.
- Added "CopyLocalFiles" to installer.
- Updated to latest specs.
2.x Dev Test 1 (2009-04-12): Initial release
No automatic language switching.
If you use the "File/Save configuration..." feature, just save it to the default directory ("App\Mp3tag") & the launcher will back it up (to "Data\settings\backup") & date/time it on exit.
Known Issues:
MRUs in the directory switcher won't follow the current drive letter as updating the paths in the config file will corrupt it.
Tested with:
XP Home SP3 (Admin), 7 Professional SP1 64-bit (Admin)
Thanks a bunch!
Been using my own version via portable app creator.
But this is obviously better.
Vista SP1...
Thanks Prapper = ) Advocate
It's great!
Works great, thanks! Been wanting something like this for a while. I wonder why there's no FOSS/OSI tag editor? At least not up here. For what I do, a proper tagger is one thing we're missing.
Thanks a lot , it is my favourite program for tag
See release notes for changes.
Any chance for this to be upgraded to a PAF Live Installer? Advocate
Yes, that would be my first choice too but Mp3tag isn't distributed as a ZIP file. I know the installer can extract some EXE files but I have yet to find one
Unless I'm making a mistake, in which case somebody please correct me. I've tried using this...
and there we go...
Sorry about that
If the author doesn't distribute as a ZIP then nothing can be done for now. Thanks again for your work on other apps like Avidemux, Glary Utilities, PicPick and SM Player Advocate
Try using 7zip to extract the exe as an archive, then you can see if it works or there are any errors, as well as the structure of the extracted file tree.
I've done it so it should work fine, only problems are 1) there are several files with the same name, probably due to different installer options using different versions, so overwriting or skipping is needed, not sure how Installer handles that 2) it has a $PLUGINSDIR directory you'll want to exclude, IIRC.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
Yes, the Mp3tag setup EXE extracts fine using the 7-Zip front end but the 7-Zip command line included in the PA.c Installer won't do it. In my experience, this is true in most cases. I can't think of a single example, off the top of my head, where it's worked with an EXE file.
So, even if the 7-Zip front end can extract the EXE, it doesn't automatically mean that the command line (PA.c Installer) can. So I am told, anyway.
Mp3tag Portable 2.45 just downloads the app's installer, runs it, grabs the files, runs the app's uninstaller and then cleans up. Or copies the local install, whichever is applicable. It should be totally painless
Did you try it? How did it go?
The GUI and command line should have the exact same capabilities since they both use the 7z library.
Be sure to use 4 instead of the 9 beta, since that is what PA.c Installer uses.
This is a special command line version of 7z not linked to on their main site, it's all statically compiled into one exe and is what all apps that invoke it in the background use, including PA.c Installer. Again, same capabilities.
As I said, I have extracted mp3tag installer EXEs with 7-zip 4 before.
I'll skip on mp3tag portable for now, since I don't tag mp3s that much, even locally, much less in random places where I have my thumb drive.
But if it gets an official release I will probably stick it on my drive anyway lol.
[Edit: If it installs and uninstalls, does that adversely affect an existing local installation? The uninstall may remove registry settings from the local install!]
[Edit: Oh you're doing it now, nevermind >_>;;]
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
I know it has been many years ago, but if you do see, can you answer the following Q's ... or may be someone else can answer
Q1: Why you say to DELETE "$PLUGINSDIR" Folder!?!?
Q2: Are the .dll in the "$PLUGINSDIR" NOT Needed?
Q3: Also, what do you mean by IIRC?
Q4: Does this folder do Tracking or what?
Works on XP SP3 Advocate
Nice! Thanks for testing.
not working for me. won't use/find mp3tag.exe if not installed in default location; C:\Program Files\Mp3tag.
Error Message see:
Sorry about that
I haven't configured "installer.ini" properly. It's missing "CopyFromRegPath" and "CopyFromRegKey". The install directory is stored here...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Florian Heidenreich\Mp3tag\Install\InstDir = 'C:\Program Files\Mp3tag'
I've added them and now I have...
but the installer is failing with the error...
Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Maybe I'm all lost since I have never worked in this particular programming language, but errors like that always seem to spring from spaces embedded in the string.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
first of all, thanks for looking into it that quick!
One note about the installer.ini line "CopyFromDirectory=%PROGRAMFILES%\Mp3tag".
That one would only be working if an english windows version is used, no?
The german version for example would be "CopyFromDirectory=%PROGRAMME%\Mp3tag", or
is %PROGRAMFILES% globally used in windows for the *.ini lines?
thanks for your work
It's an environment variable. On English machines, %PROGRAMFILES% will usually resolve to C:\Program Files. On German machines, it'll be C:\Programme. The environment variables themselves are all in English.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks for that info granting me insight John
I've confirmed it's an installed bug due to an unquoted string at line 696. A fix will be released in the next day or so.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks John.
And hang in there, I'm sure we'll have you up and running in no time
i appreciate that
This bug is still in Installer 1.0 but 2.45 Development Test 1 should do what you want.
See release notes for changes.
Is it just me, or is the installed help file in German even though the program is installed in English?
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
I'm glad the download worked for you because it shouldn't have (?) as Mp3tag has been updated again. I've just tried a clean install to have a look at your problem but, because the download fails, it's uncovered a bug in the install code.
I've fixed it but unfortunately the new version number contains a letter and the installer doesn't seem to want to compile it if that's the case. I'm pulling the download until I can have a look at it.
Sorry about that. Or maybe I should say bekümmert!
EDIT1: Help is in English here though.
EDIT2: Here's the error -
Install was previous to the recent program update.
Haven't tried for the new "a" version.
But I'm glad that it pointed out the new issue.
Maybe I'll have better luck the next go-around.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
OK, normal service has been resumed!
I did a clean install and help is still in English. I also extracted the setup file with 7-Zip (which the PA.c Installer can't do) and only the English help files are in there. I even installed Mp3tag in German (yeah, clutching at straws here) and help is still in English!
Go into App\Mp3tag\help and open 'index.html'. Is it in German?
Clean install - it worked as advertised.
The Mp3tagPortable\App\Mp3tag\help\index.html is English.
The Mp3tagPortable\help.html is English.
Ah, the Mp3tagPortable\App\Mp3tag\Mp3tagReadme.txt is German. Looks like it may have been packaged that way. Other packages have different readmes in different languages.
Thanks for looking at this, the upgrade and fixing the installer, too.
neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
It's a little late, but I posted a reply up there -^
"...but package version in 'appinfo.ini' is still wrong (can't contain letters)."
Just make the internal version 2.45.1 or something, 1 for a.
Signature automatically removed for being too awesome.
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
Works on Windows 7 Advocate
Any plan to update this to the latest version (2.47a)? It's a good program and it would be nice to get a portableApps installer of 2.47a.
See release notes for changes.
Tried to install and got "The downloaded copy of 2.47b is not valid. Please try later"
Is that because the author has released version 2.48?
See release notes for changes.
Action group .mta files should be copied into ACTIONS folder while MP3TAG is running otherwise action list will disappear.
This behavior is only in portable version.
When Mp3tag Portable is running, there *is* an actions folder at "App\Mp3tag\data\actions", which is moved out on close. If this isn't happening for you, I suggest you try a clean install. I'm using default & custom actions here without a problem.
2.49 installs and works well on Win XP sp3. IMHO, this would make a fantastic addition to the Music & Video section of the site. Thanks Prapper for putting this together.
See release notes for changes.
No issues. On-line installer worked as expected; I updated from version 2.49. Tested with a music library of 9000 music files (both .wma and .mp3). Running on Windows XP SP3. Thanks Prapper!
Mp3tag v2.50 was Released, please update the portable version.
March 11th 2012
Whats New:
• Converter Tag - Tag
This converter formats tag fields by other fields content, which means that you can use it to copy tags from one field to another or to combine contents of multiple different tag fields in one tag field. As already known from the other converters, you can use placeholders for any tag field and scripting functions within the format string to format the content of the specified tag field.
Furthermore, the format string is evaluated while typing and you can verify the results using the builtin preview.
• Unicode Playlists in UTF-8 format
You can now save playlists in Unicode format encoded as UTF-8 if you use *.m3u8 as file extension. This can be useful if file names contain special characters. Applications which support UTF-8 encoded playlists are, e.g., Apple iTunes and foobar2000.
• Discogs API 2.0 released a completely redesigned API for accessing data from their website based on the popular JSON format. Mp3tag's web source framework and the corresponding discogs web source have been updated to this new format
• This version fixes various issues that have been reported after the last release of Mp3tag
See release notes for changes.
I am using it. It works perfect under Windows 7 64 bit.
"The downloaded copy of Mp3tag 2.50 is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again"
Any ideas?
Re-downloading doesn't seem to be helping...
maybe they deleted the 2.50 file, since 2.51 is out now?
Yes, I set the working directory!
But the file that is downloaded is called "mp3tagv250setup.exe". I guess either the downloader renames it or it is pulling the 2.51 checksum live from the mp3tag website?
The checksum is normally embedded in the installer itself (in installer.ini).
I think you'll have to wait a little, till prapper builds v2.51. I still don't know why this isn't working though...
Yes, I set the working directory!
Just a reminder, thanks for the hard work
Yes, I set the working directory!
See release notes for changes.
Thanks prapper
Yes, I set the working directory!
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
Where's the file? It's not available at SourceForge. :/
There you go, not sure what the problem was.
Version 2.54 is released, please update the portable package.
See release notes for changes.
the window size and position is not remembered. Every time mp3tag is restarted, it opens at it default position and size.
Can you fix this?
It seems to be fine here. Have you tried a clean install?
Mp3tag 2.55 was released, please update the portable package.
BTW, will this app ever leave the "dev test" status?
Yes It works perfect
I'm still using it..
See release notes for changes.
the new version is working perfectly.
Please consider making it to a official portable app.
I requested permission today so I'll let you know how it turns out.
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
See release notes for changes.
please release MP3 tag as an official portable app (so it is updated automatically).
Thank you!
It works perfect.. It is enough that we are waiting years for it...
If I recall correctly, the publisher refused permission. So you'll be waiting a while longer.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Can it be that you are confusing something here? Fact is only, that the publisher of the app mp3DirectCut has refused his permission. In the case of the app mentioned here, however prapper has only mentioned that he has requested a permission. But nowhere a rejection of that permission has appeared. Or do I have overlooked here something?
Thanks for that
It seems that a new release exists, the 2.58.
See release notes for changes.
So can we get some clarity on whether the developer has given permission for this to be officially released or not. It seems prapper is doing a great job packaging it and keeping it up to date, it's a shame for it to be stuck as a Test release. John, are you mistaken in which application you think a developer has refused permission, can you look again at releasing Mp3tag as a official release?
We don't have permission. I requested it myself back in December 2012 and received no response. You're free to email the publisher as well.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Who are authorized to send email to publisher?
Yes, I requested permission too, back in April, but never received a reply. Which I will also take as a refusal
See release notes for changes.
Mp3tag v2.64 released!
I just downloaded the 2.63 archive (twice) but on running it it reported that the file was invalid.
This is an online installer that tries to download the original installer (mp3tagv263setup.exe) form its homepage. As 2.64 has been released recently, the old installer is not downloadable any more, so the online installer fails. All you can do is wait until prapper updates the package to point to the new installer (mp3tagv264setup.exe) or - if you feel capable - unpack the paf (its a simple archive so 7zip will do), rearrange it to the PA.c specs (you may refer to the Application Template) and edit the installer.ini to the new link and md5, and then re-pack it with the PA.c Installer. You may generate a new launcher with PA.c Launcher after changing the version number in launcher.ini if you want to have the correct version displayed, but that has to be done before packaging...
But I think, it's best to wait as prapper is fast with his updates.
Understood, thanks
I'll wait.
But perhaps the online installer could produce a more meaningful error message ???
Would save confusion like this