I wonder if it is a good idea to move from New York City to one of the cities of the Western Bay Area like San Francisco or Santa Clara.
Because more technologies are in the cities of the Western Bay Area like Mozilla, Google, Intel, Former U3, etc. than in New York City.
Seeing as Rare Ideas, LLC is John's company, it'll be his decision to move, although he seems happy living in NYC, and really, when it comes to what we do, it doesn't really matter where John is located. We have developers literally all across the globe, and don't need to be located near any of the "major" players.
We have a presence in San Francisco. Our Chief Creative Officer is now there and handles more than just design. We just don't have a mailing address yet.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Maybe the main headquarters and server in San Francisco?
Our servers are in Houston in one of the world's largest and most secure data centers.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Safer to have server in Houston perhaps -- more geologically stable area than California
So the main PortableApps.com building in San Francisco? This could be the former address listed here: https://portableapps.com/about/contact
What's with this fascination with having the address changed? Does it really matter at all?
But I find it ironic you should suggest that an entity so inherently about not being tied to a specific base computer should have it's development base be tied to a geographic area.
as they have seemed to have moved to 1 chip design that seems to manage all!
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.