Prior to the introduction of new platform, new apps were highlighted in a list as they became available. Currently, however, I can find no way to identify a new app. Obvioulsy when I click on "Get More Apps" I am presented with the Portable Apps Directory which lists all available apps other than the ones I have already installed. But there is no apparent way to distinguish apps that have been recently added from those that have been in the list for some time. Am I overlooking something or is this a feature that needs to be submitted as a future enhancement? Thanks. --B. Lewis
Here is a page with all the feeds we provide. one of them is "app updates only" which is what you want. I dont know where this page is linked to from, I found it by searching for it, knowing it exists.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
Thanks for the link. However, neither link contains just "new" apps. Both the "New" link and the "Updated" link refer to pages that list apps (like Chrome, Opera, Thunderbird, etc.) as they are updated. I'm not able to distinguish in either list those apps that are being introduced for the first time.
Here is a suggestion for a possible future enhancement if it is practical to write:
Given the fact that "new" is a relative phenomenon for each user, perhaps a user setting could be created that would "check for new apps automatically" when the application is opened by comparing the date an app is introduced with a cookie on the user's machine identifying the last time the user checked for "new" apps.
This would present "new" apps to the user only once, after which the apps would no longer be considered new for that user, but would appear in the list of apps not yet installed on the user's machine when the user clicks "Get More Apps."
Or, just post the date an app is introduced for the first time and let users figure it out.
In any event, thanks for your time in responding.
I am pretty sure that the "new apps"-RSS-feed used to be what it says: new apps. I have no idea when it changed and I cant really tell the difference between the two now.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate