I've thought again about using of the PortableApps.com AppCompactor. My question concerns the exact time using this program. Should PortableApps.com AppCompactor primarily used then, after a portable program is installed on an USB flash drive? Or is it also conceivable, that this program can be applied after using the PortableApps.com launcher but before using the PortableApps.com Installer?
Its meant primarily to be a developer program. It is run on programs after you've got the launcher working, but before running the PA.c Installer.
Make sure to make a backup of the app first, in case the AppCompactor compreses something that makes the app stop working.
So far I've also used the PortableApps.com AppCompactor only in the case which you described. But theoretically it would be feasible, that an user apply the PortableApps.com AppCompactor on a portable program, which is installed on an USB flash drive. Surely this may well be a less frequent use of the PortableApps.com AppCompactor.
Yes, a user can run the AppCompactor; however, this doesn't mean that they should, as using the AppCompactor can break functionality.