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Cannot run multiple pre-release Toucan sessions from the command line

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uk_dave's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-17 10:40
Cannot run multiple pre-release Toucan sessions from the command line

With the production release of Toucan and with earlier builds of the pre-release Toucan it was possible to run multiple sessions of Toucan from the command line. This made using the command line really handy for Scheduled Task back ups and syncing of multiple jobs/locations.

However after build 6 of pre-release the ability to run multiple command sessions of Toucan has been restricted. I assume this change was made because of this thread:

Although I can appreciate only allowing one instance of the GUI to run it would make sense to me to allow multiple instances of the command line to run. Without multiple command line instances it makes it a lot harder to use Scheduled Tasks for backing up and syncing multiple jobs as you must then build in a time delay between each job. Sounds simple enough but depending on the volume of data to back up you never really know how much time to leave for any given job on any given day which then means I have to space my back up tasks throughout the whole day including the time when I'm using the system. Previously with multiple command line instances I could schedule all my back ups during down time i.e. starting at 11 PM and know that all the jobs would be complete by the time I get back on the system the next day. Without multiple command line instances I now have to space out the back up jobs to also run during my production time. Hopefully that all makes sense.

Would really appreciate having the ability to run multiple command line sessions back in the pre-release.



Steve Lamerton
Steve Lamerton's picture
Last seen: 11 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2005-12-10 15:22

definitely plan to change this before the next pre-release /final release, exactly as you suggest in fact.

uk_dave's picture
Last seen: 12 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2012-03-17 10:40
Thank you for making this

Thank you for making this change and an even bigger thank you for all of your efforts on Toucan as a whole. Awesome program, bugs an' all Wink

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