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Numbering of revisions

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Last seen: 5 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Numbering of revisions

I've been thinking about the current kind of the numbering of revisions and I have come to the conclusion, that it is somehow inconclusive. Instead of starting with the number 1 for first revision, this first revision gets the number 2. It's absolutely weird. It may be true, that this number 2 indicate on the second and simultaneously revised version of the program, but it still remains the first actual revision.

Therefore I have two suggestions, how the numbering can be performed more useful.

  1. Beginning with Number 1 after publishing of a new release

    One possibility may be, that one begin with Number 1 after publishing of a new release. This also is a coherent numbering of revisions.

  2. Consecutive numbering after the publication of the intial release

    Another variant may be, that one begin with a consecutive numbering after the publication of the intial release. Additionally should any revision are listed with a brief description.

Personally I would prefer the second variant.