I would like to know how to install a portable app silently please.
ExecWait `"$PLUGINSDIR\$strCurrentAppDownloadFile" /DESTINATION="$strPortableAppsPath\" /AUTOCLOSE=true /HIDEINSTALLER=true /SILENT=true`
I have not succeeded in doing what the updater does based on the above code from the latest publicly available source.
Is this part of an attempt to prevent user from duplicating such behavior?
Just a assumption but I would say if my computer isn't a brick that the individual installers check the parent process and/or something else along those lines.
Silent mode is not available for standalone installers, it currently only works from the updater and app store.
I can't tell you whether there are plans to allow it or not, that is something that probably only John knows.
Please inquire why John T. Haller would attempt to prevent users from using silent mode with standalone installers, not that he owes me anything. He probaly dosen't owe anyone anything since http://worldsbestflashdrive.com/
Congrats and thank you John and Devs for PA, it is good maybe I should consider learning Delphi.
I would appreciate a simple explanation, knowing that it wouldn't really be hard to implement the code is already there...
Where can I find code for individual app installers? How does that work anyway some default NSIS code thats hidden from users but allows for custom extensions or what?
Hmm.. Digital Signatures? I would really like to be able to do this please.
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