Application: Git
Category: Development
Description: Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Download Git Portable 2.27.0 Development Test 1 [1MB download / 283MB installed]
(MD5: 456a0a44b997db18d4b77e3c7bc01e1b)
Application: Git Portable
Category: Development
Description: Git is a powerful version control system aiming to be the fastest decentralized source code management tool on this planet.
Having its root in the Linux development community, Git used to be quite dependent on POSIX features usually only provided by Unix-style Operating Systems. Thanks to the efforts of a few contributors, this project succeeded in providing an almost feature-complete fork of Git on Windows. Being solely driven by volunteers in their spare time, it is nevertheless quite stable.
Download Git Portable Online Installer Development Test 1 [0.8MB download / 221MB installed]
(MD5: 7c9724f71be2a6e172b0bb5b23e5cb27)
Release Notes:
Development Test 1 (2013-02-06): Initial release of the Online Installer
As much as we love having updated versions of apps we don't want two or more developers working on the exact same thing - if you want to update an app that has been posted in the recent past, please post to the original thread to see if the developer is a) still active and b) still prepared to update the app.
And if it does happen that the developer is no longer active or wants to hand over the app to you don't hijack the original thread with your release. Please post it to a new beta test thread instead, as it will assist the community to know that there is a new release and help them find the download they want as you can't edit posts once someone replies, so your newer updates will get lost at the end of someone else's thread.
Thirdly, the base app is open source, you don't need to package it as an online installer. A bundled installer will reach a wider audience (some people dislike online installers) and will also cause you less problems/reasons to update in the future.
I appreciate your feedback.
I thought creating an online installer does make sense due to the rather large size of the package.
But I will follow your suggestion and create a new thread if the initial developer is not upgrading the package.
Hey... thanx for the go on this one. I have done an online installer myself some time ago. I also posted it on the original thread ( but the original author doesn't seem to live there any more...
Anyway, you can also check my online installer, now hosted at bitbucket ( From what I can see on your launcher we actually did almost the same things, I for cmd shell and you for bash. Still looking for an easy way of having two launchers for this.
Anyway, just hope I'm being helpful. And winterblood, can we do something about original authors who do not live here any more ? Keeps a lot of nice and useful apps from not being updated.
Hope I'm being usefull.
I'm just a developer, not a moderator, so I only have the same abilities as everyone else to see who is and isn't alive in the forums, although I'm not sure if mods even have much more power in that regard.
About all we can do is what we have been doing: if you are interested in an outdated beta test (as a user or developer) post in its thread, then wait and see whether the dev is inactive or is willing to hand over development (most devs are subscribed to their own beta tests, so if you post a comment they will receive an email about it). Personally I would assume a month with no response is decent grounds for the app being taken over.
If an app is dead or ready to be handed over feel free to post a request for it (as a user) referencing the original beta test thread(s), or post your own version (as a dev).
If a beta test is verified as dead for whichever reason, we may also be able to talk a mod into flagging it as [outdated] or [dead] or an equally meaningful tag to help us all determine what is and what isn't potentially supported.
Now there is another Git release in beta testing here:
both download links are dead. Could you repost?
thx a lot !
best grettings,
I'm still here, I just was having a problem with new comment email notifications (it's all fixed now). I've released Git Portable Development Test 1, props to @orschiro
Don't Panic
Wouldn't it be best to merge all the versions to just one development release?
I apologize. I didn't see this thread before I posted my version.
Which preview release is this one based on? 20130201? I'm willing to be maintainer, if needed. Please let me know if I should continue my version or drop my efforts in favor of this line of releases.
Anyway, I would only suggest that the name of the package be changed to include the preview release version as I did with mine. Then the user will know what version of the upstream project they're getting.
Jason Huebel
Orange, TX, USA
Bungshea's release is based on, the current stable release.
Mine is too, basically. I just started with the Git Portable release rather than the mainline release. They consider Git Portable to be a "preview" only because of the different packaging.
Regardless, I'll drop my efforts in favor of this.
Jason Huebel
Orange, TX, USA
You (or anyone else) can always contribute to Git Portable at GitHub. I'll accept Pull Requests, and I'm happy to grant push access to frequent contributors
Don't Panic
Are there any updates to Portable Git? I know this thread is a few months old and I didn't want to create another thread just to ask for information regarding updates!
Also PortableGit is command line / terminal, are there any GUI's that sit on top of it? (im lazy at typing commands all the time
It's actually up to date with the latest version of Portable Git - I just accidentally tagged the release as instead of 1.8.3.
I subscribe to the releases of Portable Git, and when a new version is released, I package it up and push it to the GitHub repo. I'll try to remember to also update this thread.
Don't Panic
@PortableDisk: GUI is available. On command line, type
$git gui
.The only difference is that you don't get the context shortcuts, as noted in GitPortable\App\Git\README.portable
Functional differences to "normal" MSysGit installation package
This version does not offer you the convenient right-click context menu
entries "Git GUI Here" and "Git Bash Here", because these would require
to add entries into the Windows registry.
You could add this by hand on some machines - see an explanation about this in
Your link still points to Dev Test 1, which is no longer in your repository.
Also, a couple of side-notes: the git repo isn't really the place to put binaries, that's what the releases tab is for, and, if possible you should keep the PackageVersion lower than the base app's version, so that if/when it goes official it can be incremented (so as to ensure testers are offered the update by the Platform) without pushing it higher than the base app's version number.
Edit: Oh, and despite your commit message claiming to update to 1.9.4-preview20140815, DT2 appears to be using 1.9.4-preview20140929, so it's up-to-date again now.
I will update the link straight away. I usually try to do so, but sometimes I forget. I will try to make a habit of it in the future.
I am using GitHub's releases system for many of my other projects, but I guess that I was holding off switching this one over as I didn't want to break anyone's workflow. This was set up before the releases system was introduced. The GitHub readme and .gitignore file cannot be placed inside of the GitPortable directory, or the Installer will bundle them with the app. Additionally, the installer is generated into one level above the GitPortable directory, so it seemed cleaner to just move the GitPortable directory a level up and include everything in the repo. I'll see what I can do, even if it means just having a README and the GitPortable directory in the repo root, with installer files excluded.
That's a great tip about the PackageVersion number; I hadn't thought about that before. Oh, and apologies about the incorrect commit message; I don't know what happened there
Don't Panic
Don't Panic!
It's not like it's horrible to have binaries in there, it's just a big file that changes drastically rather often, so it'll just bloat the size of your git repo, that's all. (
anyway.)Edit: I see you switched over to using GitHub's releases system, and not only that, you added the older DevTests to the releases tab too. Nice!
When will we have this as an official version inside Portable Apps?
This is such important application.
Thank You.
I started using Git this month for revision control of writing projects that I have going and have found Git Portable to be invaluable to continue work when away from my main computer. Just wanted to add my thanks.
Just found Git Portable, it's great! My only issue was having to create "mkdir /tmp" to keep bash from complaining /tmp doesn't exist (although I've searched my PortableApps drive and can't figure out where the directory actually was created?!?)
The /tmp thing has only cropped up for me as an annoyance when I decide to use Git Gui. If I'm just using the cmd I don't get any refs to it. Still probably happening, but I'm not seeing it so I don't really worry about it.
I know that
mkdir /tmp
can fix the error, but I'm not sure how to include this fix with the installer, as the command much be run in the bash shell to work correctly. This is because tmp is not an actual directory in/
(App/Git); it is a special folder that is actually located in the Windows %TEMP% directory.Don't Panic
Saw this article, didn't know if they had updated the source yet that Git Portable draws from, or if it's even an issue for Git Portable.
It looks like Git for Windows version 1.9.5 fixes this vulnerability, so I've updated Git Portable to use that version. Thanks for drawing this to my attention.
Don't Panic
New version works great for me. Thanks for the update.
Hi could you please add the following line to the GitPortable.ini [Launch]
Also, will it be possible to have command line arguments passed through GitPortable.exe,
I think you will need to add to the bat file for that at a minimum.
The reason I am asking, is that for some reason I cannot pass command line commands through.
I'll do an update soon that will hopefully improve how Git Portable starts up. I didn't have much of a hand in the creation of the current method, so I will have a look over and see what can be done.
The HideCommandLineWindow line will certainly be in the next release; just add it yourself until then.
Don't Panic
I did that, just wanted to make sure that you did not forget it, I sometimes overlook the most obvious of answers.
In regards to portable version:
Did you try to install the regular version on a virtual OS and do change comparison. I noticed that some programs are more workable, have more options and easier to navigate, if you treat them as if they are a regular installed version instead of using their portable cousins.
Any chance for Git 2.5.0 64-bit?
Looks like it's done already:
I will certainly update Git to 2.5.0 (my new release notification seems to be broken for some reason), but I'm not 100% about 64-bit. It can be done, but from what I gather it's not recommended in the world. See and
Don't Panic
Yay! That's all I came to say.
Thanks for continuing to maintain. Looking forward to the next version.
Git Portable 2.5.1 Development Test 1 has been released. You can download it here
Don't Panic
There's a lot of stuff I can't really test, but everything works so far on my end. Nice that it matches now what I have installed on my rig at home.
Got some errors during the first start up of Git 2.5.3 Portable that I didn't see with the previous 2.5.1.
Not sure if that's related to the fact that I'm working on a corporate computer and those folders don't have permissions.
This is initial setup stuff that Git does on the first run. Usually, I run it before building the installer, but I must have forgotten this time.
Don't Panic
Will we be seeing the latest Git version as a PortableApp?
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
Thanks letting me know; I didn't realise that a new version was released. I'll package it up as soon as I have the time.
Don't Panic
I owe you a beer.
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
Here is a developers' question; how do you get two separate launcher programs for the Git for Windows Portable app?
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
To get the Platform menu to display multiple icons for the same app, under the
section of AppInfo.ini you need to setIcons
to the appropriate number, and then addStartN
entries for each icon.Each of these entries needs an additional full set of icons in the App/AppInfo directory.
e.g. AppIcon.ico, AppIcon1.ico, AppIcon2.ico, AppIcon_32.png, AppIcon1_32.png, AppIcon2_32.png, etc
Generating the launchers was a bit trickier. I created two ini files in
. Unfortunately, the Launcher Generator doesn't work too well with multiple launchers. To get it to generate the GitGUIPortable.exe launcher, I needed to change the AppID in AppInfo.ini, run the launcher generator, and then change it back.Don't Panic
Thanks, that was the key I needed. Able to create a launcher for multiple apps in a development suite by creating the icons, INIs, and setting each app in the AppInfo.ini one-at-a-time and running the Launcher Generator. Takes time to do each program/app in your suite but it does work.
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
True, it's not the most intuitive, but remember that you only need to generate the launchers once, and only update them if there's a change of icon or name
Don't Panic
True. Am curious to look into the code of the PAC Launcher Generator. Should be able to generate multiple launchers per settings in the INIs.
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
PA.c Launcher source code is included in Other/Source.
Edit: Git for Windows 2.6.3 released.
I decided to look into your "/tmp" issue today, and figured out what the problem is.
/tmp points to the %TEMP% directory, which PAL sets to the "GitPortableTemp" folder within your normal %TEMP% directory, then when the launcher exits, it deletes the app's contained %TEMP% directory ("GitPortableTemp") and exits.
The issue that's causing the /tmp error is that your launcher's ini doesn't tell PAL to wait for the exe that Git GUI runs under (wish.exe), so your Launcher makes %TEMP%\GitPortableTemp, sets %TEMP% to point to it, then launches …\GitPortable\App\Git\cmd\git-gui.exe; git-gui.exe launches wish.exe then exits; the Launcher deletes %TEMP% (which at this time points to the %TEMP%\GitPortableTemp folder), and exits; now Git GUI is running (as wish.exe) and can't find it's %TEMP% because the Launcher already deleted it.
To fix this you need to add
to your App\AppInfo\Launcher\GitGUIPortable.ini.See
Pull Request # 18[Merged].Note: Also, you should update the link & version info on this page to reflect your most recent release, and as this is a DevTest, your PackageVersion should be lower than the DisplayVersion would indicate, so that if/when the app goes official the PackageVersion of the official release can be updated to match the DisplayVersion, and the Updater will offer the update to the official release.
Edit: Just realised earlier today that it should wait for git-bash.exe too, because otherwise you can end up with the same issue occuring if someone starts Git Bash from within Git GUI, then closes Git GUI, as this will also cause it to clean up the %TEMP% directory before it should.
See Pull Request # 19.
I wonder if this is also the cause of the *.tmp files issue?
I'll have to try this and see.
As stated in my commit message, the .tmp files normal go in the %TEMP% directory.
Apparently if there is no %TEMP% directory, they go into the current directory instead.
Git Portable 2.9.2 released
Download link
Don't Panic
I've made an update to 2.9.3
See my merge request for the release file.
On a separate but related topic - What was the reason for removing Git from the repository?
Thanks very much for this, it's a big help. I'll merge the request now.
The reason why I decided to remove Git is that I felt it was unnecessarily increasing the size of the repository and making it harder to handle. Given that it's really just the Git binary copied over, I didn't see the harm in leaving that a step in the build process.
Don't Panic
Ah, ok, makes sense, I suppose. If (hopefully
) this goes official, we'll likely include include Git in the repo at that time, but there's no need until then.
Sheabunge, are you still maintaining Git Portable? If so, I've made a PR regarding 2.10.1. If not, I'm happy to take over.
I am still maintaining this, but as I have switched to working on a Linux system since I first released this app, updates to the portable app do not always quickly follow new releases of the base app. If you are happy to help out, I can give you commit access to the GitHub repository.
Don't Panic
Base app updated to 2.10.2
Dev Test 2 fixes an error in bash "Can't find /tmp", and adds WaitForEXE for gitk and git executables.
Note that I updated the package version as well, to allow for increasing Dev Test versions while maintaining an easily-readable link to the base app version.
Base app updated to 2.11 Dev Test 1
The base app has been updated to 2.11.1.[EDIT] I've pushed a Dev Test 2 - reducing the app to a single launcher, Added a MinOS value, and pointing the base project at the Git For Windows project as opposed to the main Git project.
This app continues to be fairly popular - The last release 2.11 Dev Test 1 (Dec 8/16) received 1143 downloads!
Base app upgraded to 2.12.0 Dev Test 1
Thank you for the efforts bringing us GIT.
I was wondering, in order to complete the package, any chance you add a GIT Client GUI?
I really like SmartGIT.
But maybe there are other.
Thank You.
This package includes the default git gui as provided by the Git for Windows project.
Any other client would need to be provided as an independent application, rather than trying to integrate with this one.
Base app updated to 2.13.0
How do I make Git Bash CLI launch and not the GUI in Portable Apps?
George Murphy
There should be two executables GitGUIPortable and GitPortable. You have to start the GitPortable to launch the Git Bash CLI.
Version 2.16.2 is available. Could you update it please
A new version was submitted to the git repo that pulls the latest version down. If you don't want to wait for an "official" release of the GitPortable package, you can clone the repo and build it yourself by running the Installer app on the repo.
New version of Git is available. (FYI)
Is there an available tutorial for using Git Portable? Haven't tested it. Just wondering how to use Git from the PortableApps platform.
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
What else needs to be done to get this to be promoted to an "official" PA app? has released 2.32.0 in 2021-06-06
As of this writing, version 2.39.2 is available (released 2023-02-06). Is anyone planning an updated release?
If not, I could put one up.
Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.
I've given up trying to follow the PortableApps version.
I just download a portable version from here:
I've used their official portable version before, and while it will run from computer to computer, I find that it leaves behind many traces in the user folder and appdata. Therefore, I didn't think it's what we here would call "portable".
That said, while sheabung's .exe release is outdated, he did push a comit just last month, so if you clone the repo and follow the manual installation instructions, you should get a version more recent than v2.27.0 that is the github release page.
Also, I've updated my version using his instructions on the github page and it seems to work. Git, vim, and every other program all update when I follow his instructions.
This is my #1 most used PortableApp (I even switched to vim as my main editor), so it's tragic seeing it never have been made official. This one app is a whole suite of tools and serves as a great gateway into linux.