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get the File-properties "Version" Tab back for Windows 7 (handy for downloading PA 'online' installers)

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Last seen: 12 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
get the File-properties "Version" Tab back for Windows 7 (handy for downloading PA 'online' installers)

so, I finally get around to buying a Window 7 laptop (still use my ond XP desktop as my main computer),

and I see that yes, when you right click on a file the Version tab is gone.

This is annoying because with Portable Apps that use an online installer (eg: Google Chrome Portable), by downloading the online.paf.exe and right clicking it (in XP) I can get the info to download the chrome_installer.exe, which when placed in the same folder as the online.paf.exe will allow for a 'offline' install Smile

However, knowing that Windows users being Windows users someone should have found a way to 'fix' that, and after over an hour of searching (a long time as google searches go :p) I found a solution (that works on my Windows 7 laptop).

Windows 7 File-properties "Version" Tab Shell Extension

now, it needs to add a DLL to the system32 folder AND be registered via a Administrator Command Prompt window, so it may not be a good idea to do this on a work computer plus you need to register on the site to download it, but for those of us who like being able to download the installer files for online.paf.exe files, this is a solution [that works for me]

Ken Herbert
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Last seen: 5 hours 51 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
A more portable solution:

Open the online installer's paf.exe in 7zip Portable, navigate to $_OUTDIR\AppInfo\ and open installer.ini. Look for the line DownloadURL=.

Last seen: 12 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
Nifty :-)

that's nifty Smile

I will have to remember that one.

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