Is it possible, that someone can offer some helpful examples for the usage of hooks? I am particularly interested in the hooks .onInit, Init and Unload. But certainly examples to the other hooks would also be useful. Or exists a website with appropriate tutorials?
Their usage is identical to the other hooks.
Previously known as kAlug.
Especially regarding the usage of the hook "Unload" I read in the documentation, that it can be used for the unload of plugins. But how this will be realized in detail? An example would surely increase the understanding for this topic.
Unload of plugins should be already done automatically by the Launcher.
But why this feature will be mentioned explicitly in the documentation still below the hook "Unload".
Certain plugins need to be specifically unloaded. the registry plugin is one example. however, by enabling the Registry in the launcher.ini, the PAL generator automatically adds the code to unload the registry plugin for you. all plugins handled automatically by PAL work like this.
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Surely exists many way to solve a problem. But actually was the occasion for the opening of this thread, that I was looking for examples to illustrate the usage of the hooks.
They are just NSIS code. The only difference is when they are executed (and some additional functions and variables you'll have available).
Previously known as kAlug.