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Portable Multi-Program General Spelling Dictionaries

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Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2013-04-07 21:04
Portable Multi-Program General Spelling Dictionaries

Does anyone know a way to get a portable program which doesnt have its own internal spelling dictionaries, but has support for external dictionaries, to use a stand-alone dictionary of some sort for its spell check function?

I'm trying to use the portable version of Smart Diary Suite Free edition and I'd like to find a way to add a dictionary to my USB drive that it could read..

maybe someone knows about another portableapps program that has its own dictionary that I could point to?

So far I havent had any luck.. I tried downloading an open office Dic file, put the file on my USB drive and pointed SmartDiary to that folder, but spell check didnt work

any help would be much appreciated

darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Try this?

You can try the dictionaries included in my beta of TexStudio Portable. I'm not acquainted with the program you mentioned though, so I have no clue if it'd work.

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2013-04-07 21:04
Thanks, I discovered the Solution

Thanks, I discovered the problem

I apparently was only copying the DIC file and not the corresponding AFF file along with it

i had originally used the Open Office OXT file, but didnt realize it was a compressed file, I changed the extension to zip, extracted that, and got the dic & aff files..

but your dictionary has them both right there in %dir%\TeXstudioPlusPortable\App\TeXstudio\dictionaries, so it works fine to point to that location...

I think I'll just use the built-in Firefox portable dictionary i already have at PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox\dictionaries


weird program you have there, have no idea what its for, but it looks cool..

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 47 min 48 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
GoldenDict Portable

GoldenDict Portable supports adding multiple dictionaries and is already in Format.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2013-04-07 21:04
thanks, but I dont see *.DIC

thanks, but I dont see *.DIC files or *.AFF files listed there.. is that like a dictionary with definitions?

I mean only the SpellCheck dictionary, does that work as a Spell Check word List?

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