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Google Chrome Portable - Start with local relative file

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Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2013-06-23 13:08
Google Chrome Portable - Start with local relative file

Hi guys,

I developed a small website and I need to distribute it on CD-ROM. I want to use Google Chrome Portable to do it, but I have tryed many options with no success. I need to set the initial page to a relative HTML file, because I don't know the user drive letter, so they need to be relative to .exe file. I already tryed with --homepage and --app parameters, the App mode is preferred because there is no tools, bars and tabs.

I already tryed on "GoogleChromePortable.ini":


AdditionalParameters=--allow-file-access-from-files --homepage=mypage.html


Anyone can help me?