(FYI)I've been testing Portable Apps 12 Beta 2 for quite some time on Windows 8 64 with great success. But one feature I'd like to see in the next release is a way to "lock" the Portable Apps window open. Example:
I "almost" always open Firefox, Thunderbird, Aimp and stickies. But because it closes after each selection, I have to go back to the PA icon, click and choose the next program I want to open, and repeat. Now I do know that I can auto-launch them, but I don't always open them especially if I'm on a client's machine. I'd like to see a small "key" icon near the top of the PA window that when clicked, would lock the PA window open so I can select the programs I want to open without the window disappearing. Then after I've opened them, I can "unlock" the window and it would operate as normal.
Just a thought-
Thank You-
You can already set PAM 12 Beta 2 to remain open. However there is no GUI option to set it.
Add the following setting to .\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\Data\PortableAppsMenu.ini
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.
Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you Rapscallion!
Hopefully that will become an option in the future. Or my lock idea so I can just click the lock and get it to act "normally" without having to go back and forth editing code. I might just write a bat file to take care of it for now.
Thanks again-
This seems to be coming in the next release. (There is a menu choice for this – you can find it in the translations section.)