I am currently packaging an application called Asymptote Portable and the one person who actually gives feedback and I are having a strange issue. For some reason, I am able to run test batch files and proper integration in other programs on Windows 8.1 Professional where they cannot run them on Windows XP SP3 or Windows 7 (presumed SP1). This is very strange and I feel we need a third opinion on to why they could have such disparate results. Any help, preferably testing or purely technical assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Update: d4winds has determined that the launcher is not setting Environment variables properly when launched. The launcher.ini is below:
[Launch] ProgramExecutable=asy\asy.exe ; ProgramExecutable=xasy\xasy.exe ; ProgramExecutableWithParamters=asy\asy.exe ; WorkingDirectory=%PAL:AppDir%\asy SplashTime=1000 HideCommandLineWindow=false DirectoryMoveOK=yes [Activate] Registry=true [Envrionment] ASYMPTOTE_CONFIG=%PAL:DataDir%\configs\config.asy ASYMPTOTE_DIR=%PAL:AppDir%\asy ASYMPTOTE_GS=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\CommonFiles\Ghostscript\bin\gswin32c.exe ASYMPTOTE_HOME=%PAL:DataDir%\configs ASYMPTOTE_PSVIEWER=%PAL:PortableAppsDir%\GSviewPortable\GSviewPortable.exe CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning PATH=%PAL:AppDir%\asy;%PATH% [RegistryKeys] -=HKCU\Software\Cygwin\Installations ; [FileWrite1] ; Type=Replace ; File=%PAL:DataDir%\configs\xasy.conf ; Find=APPROOT ; Replace=%PAL:AppDir:DoubleBackslash% ; [FileWrite2] ; Type=Replace ; File=%PAL:DataDir%\configs\xasy.conf ; Find=%PAL:LastAppDirectory:DoubleBackslash% ; Replace=%PAL:AppDir:DoubleBackslash% ; [FilesMove] ; configs\xasy.conf=%USERPROFILE%\.asy\ [DirectoriesCleanupIfEmpty] 1=%USERPROFILE%\.asy 2=%PAL:AppDir%\asy\asy_*
The lines prefaced with a semicolon are commented out for use with the optional install of xasy (which is nonfunctional in its own right) and even their complete removal does not make the launcher work properly. Thank you again.
Spelling error.