Do %Variables% Work For Launcher ini?
For some reason Variables don't seem to work For
[GeneratorWizard] makensis=%temp%\NSISPortable\App\NSIS\makensis.exe Package=C:\ Drive=C:
im trying to put the Launcher & NSIS in a SFX to %temp%
so I dont Have To Change the INI when I run the Launcher
on a diffrent Computer.
any Help?
I could just set it to C:\ but Rather have it go to temp.
Variables are not supported within that file.
That file should generally not be edited. makensis= is auto-populated with the location when you place NSISPortable alongside PortableApps.comLauncher. Package= is auto populated with the last package you built on each run.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
ahh I see that make sense Thank you for the A: John
as always Quick to reply!